2020 Jupiter Saturn Conjunction In Aquarius – The Beginning of the Global Revolution!

On January 21, 2020 Jupiter and Saturn will conjunct in Aquarius for the first time in over 600 years. Aquarius as a mundane sign is about new order and social groups. Traditionally, Saturn rules both Capricorn an Aquarius, with Capricorn representing the old or established order.
With everything going in Capricorn over the last year, the move to Aquarius of both Jupiter and Saturn at the same time is signaling the beginning of the end for the old order. This order may last another few years while Pluto is Capricorn, but by the end the of decade they will swept away. This is the beginning of the revolution, one which will be global in nature.
What does this mean for the US? The Jupiter Saturn conjunction is exact on January 21, 2020 at 10:19 AM EST time Washington D.C. This places the conjunction in the 12th House. Seems anticlimactic for a global revolution starting here doesn’t it?

The US is the seat of global power for majority of the world. The Capricorn energy is strong here, but that doesn’t mean the revolution isn’t going to happen. First the revolution will be mostly unseen except to those with sharpen conscious to understand the times everyone is in.
Second this revolution will be mostly online and on the internet. I relate the internet to the 12th House, due to the private nature of using it and to the secret knowledge it contains. Not to mention the various occult groups lurking on it. Today we can already see the some of the changes occurring online that will lead to revolution.
After the 2020 Presidential Election, millions of conservatives have decided to switch to from Twitter and YouTube to Parler and Rumble because they feel their views are being censored. This of course will lead to a massive split in the culture and it shows that even the slightest amount of control over online speech is rapidly becoming a major issue in the US.
But not just speech, access to even the internet and banking services are at stake too. While Twitter and Facebook are the interface most people see, the next step is blocking people from the Internet Service Provider and their Bank!

This has already happened to some online. Here is example of a popular conservative site that is being deplatformed for supporting Trump. Or at least an attempt was made to do so. For now that are options sites like this can switch to, but they are rapidly fading.
This leads to the building of social pressure and it makes deplatforming a dangerous game. The risk of censorship is two fold here. First, it drives people away from a common culture which can act like a great unifying force for a society.
The second, is that these platforms are basically telling everyone they don’t like to build their own. Parler is already acting like an alternative twitter and while there are not alternative ISP yet, it s only a matter of time. Also cryptocurrency, is already a completely independent and uncontrollable financial system, so the groundwork for alternative institutions is there.
This should be more evident over the 20 years is that we will not have one internet but several going forward with minimum interaction between them. What comes after that is they will create there own government, because the Internet is a public utility and as such will be regulated.

In last few year there have been multiple attempts at this whether though the Obama era Net Neutrality or the more recent debate on Section 230 in the Trump era. Like it or not there will be regulation on the Internet.
But if there multiple Internets in the US that means we must have multiple governments. If conservatives build their their own Internet they wouldn’t want libels regulating it,therefore a second US government must occur. It stems from fact that as one can’t create a massive change of technology in a society without greatly effecting the underlying society itself.
So Succession and rebellion will be a big topic upcoming in the US, but don’t expect any immediate moves in this direction. Because first one needs to create their own and improved internet first.
How, will the new internet look? Probably a lot more like Bitcoin that most can imagine. Blockchain technology., the underlying technology behind Bitcoin. It is useful in many other computer applications. With cryptocurrency you can’t be unbanked, and with blockchain, you can’t be censored either.
A new internet that runs on the blockchain is what will happen over the next 20 years. Which makes this conjunction in the 12th House the perfect vehicle for revolution in the US. True revolutions don’t need fancy battles and large political personalities. They just need a group dedicated people working towards a common goal whether it is seen or unseen.