2020 US Election Prediction – With Zodiacal Releasing!
I studied the astrological charts of Trump and Pence, and Biden and Harris in order to create a baseline for predicting the outcome of the upcoming election. Most astrologers use a combination of transit analysis, or look at the election day’s chart, for clues that indicate a winner. However, I have chosen to employ a different approach, zodiacal releasing.
Zodiacal Releasing is an Hellenistic Astrology technique that was recently rediscover over the last 20 years through Project Hindsight. I first read about it in Chris Brennan’s book Hellenistic Astrology. This technique is a time lord technique unique to the ancient Hellenistic world.
The time lord technique allows you to determine the signs and planets most active in a person’s life by taking one of the major Hellenistic Lots and releasing from its starting point in the zodiac. For example if someone’s Lot of Spirit was in Virgo, the first period of their life would be similar to the sign Virgo and any planets the native has in Virgo. After a set period of time, the Lot is then released to the next corresponding sign of Libra, and planets in that sign become significant. How the native’s planets are configured to the sign can also be taken into account.

Since the main period lasts many years, sometimes as many as 30 years depending on the sign, three levels of sub periods are used to determine events down to the specific day or two. For the purposes of using this technique to predict the US Presidential election, one must use all 3 sub period levels.

There can be different interpretations depending of the Lot released. For example, releasing the Lot of Fortune can, give information about the general health and well being of the native. Releasing the Lot of Spirit relates more to the career and overall life direction of the native. For the propose of predicting the US Presidential election, I will be releasing the Lot of Spirit in each candidate’s chart. Except for Mike Pence’s chart. This technique needs an accurate birth time to work and Pence’s birth time is not known.
There is one special consideration for using this technique one should know before using it. Any sign that is angular to the Lot of Fortune becomes a prominent period in the native’s life. This is called a culminating period. Some of the angular signs are better indicators than others.. By turning the chart so the sign of the Lot of Fortune is in the 1st House, the sign placed at the 10th House from it is the most important house for public status.
Whether or not a candidate’s released Lot of Spirit is in an angular house to the Lot of Fortune is key to determining if someone wins the election or not. You would expect the winner to have a lot of prominence during this time period and in many ways becoming President is the culmination of a person’s life work. To illustrate this I reconfigured the charts of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Donald Trump using whole sign houses and highlighting the angular houses to each person’s Lot of Fortune.
Before I go over the charts, it is important to know the key dates of the US Presidential Election. Everyone knows November 3, 2020 is election day. This is the day everyone votes. This year mail in voting will be widespread and the winner might not be known immediately. However, this election is only to determine the electors. The US doesn’t elect the President by direct voting, instead electors are chosen to actually cast the ballots for the next President.
The day the electors meet and vote is on December 14, 2020. By this date we should know who has won the US Presidency. January 6, 2021 is the next key date of the election when congress meets and ratifies the results of the election. If the electors didn’t decide by a majority vote who will be the President, then Congress will decide the winner in a special Joint Session. The final key date is Inauguration Day on January 20, 2021. This is the day the President is sworn in.

Looking at Joe Biden’s chart, his culminating periods are in the fixed signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. His current general period is Virgo. While it is his 10th House and his status is important, it is in what is call an ending period since it comes after the sign of Leo, his last culminating period. This period happened between 1987 and 2005 which was the height of Senate career. He is in his Virgo general period until 2025.

Looking at his subperiods for the 4 dates listed, there are only 3 dates in which he has a culminating subperiod. On November 3, 2020, his 3rd subperiod is Taurus, on December 14, 2020 his 2nd subperiod is Taurus, and on January 6, 2021, his 3rd subperiod is Leo. His Taurus subperiod is his natal 6th House, but his 1st from the Lot of Fortune. His Moon is in the 6th House too so this planet becomes more important during those periods. This indicates his hard work is recognized by the people.
Looking at this, it is hard to say that Biden will be elected President. He has few culminating periods involved on the key dates. If he were to become President I would expect to see more culminating subperiods. For example the subperiod of Taurus November 3, 2020 indicates that he may win the popular vote, but perhaps he does not have enough electoral votes to become the President.

Since there are concerns about Joe Biden’s health, let’s also look at Kamala Harris’s chart. There is a chance any Biden Presidency may be very short, lasting only months before Harris would need to invoke the 25th Amendment and become the President. Harris’s culminating periods are in the mutable signs, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. Her general period for election day is Aquarius, a fixed sign and her natal 9th House. None of the subperiods on election day are mutable signs.

However, by January 6, 2021, her general period changes to Pisces. In fact, the first two subperiods are also in Pisces for the entire month of January. Pisces is her natal 10th House, but 4th from the Lot of Fortune. This is like being publicly recognized among your family. A possible interpretation for this is that she becomes a prominent Democrat leader even if she doesn’t win the election. With Biden’s health issues, she will be the lead campaigner for the remainder of the election and be the most visible Democratic politician in the media.
Frankly, I would like to say that if Biden’s subperiods looked better, they would definitely win. Harris has a very good culminating period coming up. Starting at the end of 2020 and lasting until 2032. If Biden is not elected, she could try again in 2024 or 2028 and likely have more success. To me, her best period would in 2024, with a nearly as good period coming up in 2028.

Donald Trump, like Joe Biden, has his fortune angles in the fixed signs as well. His current general period is Cancer, which is a building period for him. It activates his 12th house and the planets of Mercury, Venus, and Saturn. Trump started his current general period in August of 2000 and it ends in April of 2025. It is interesting Trump’s next period is a culminating period with Leo. Win or lose he will likely still be a force in politics after the election and will likely reach the peak of his fame and fortune after a possible 2nd term.

Throughout the key dates of this election, his 1st subperiod is in Aquarius. Aquarius is his natal 7th House, but also his 1st House from the Lot of Fortune. This is somewhat favorable for him on election day, but at that same time Biden also has a favorable 3rd subperiod. On election day his 2nd and 3rd subperiods are not angular to any of the Lot of Fortune’s houses but his 2nd level subperiod in Cancer which emphasize the general period themes.
The key for Trump comes in January when his 2nd subperiod releases from Cancer to Leo, his natal 1st House, and then the 7th House from the Lot of Fortune. This favors him with Congress certifying the election for him. By Inauguration Day, his 3rd subperiod also releases into Taurus, his natal 10th House, but also the 4th house from the Lot of Fortune. This means he has all three subperiods in angular houses from the Lot of Fortune. It is likely that he wins the election and remains the President.
In closing, Trump’s released Lot of Spirit shows he is in a much better position to win the election than Biden’s. This is more evident for Inauguration Day than Election Day. It is possible that no one will be declared winner on election Day. If that occurs, then likely that Trump remains as President.
Kamala Harris, on the other hand, is about to enter a major culminating period in her life. There might be a possibility that Biden wins and she becomes the Vice President, with Biden at the top of ticket. I think she is not enough to pull him to the finish line, but with the change in the general period she may just be reaching the height of her political career allowing her to have a better shot in the next two election cycles.