2021 Leo Full Moon – Gamers Gaming the System for Reform and Profit

The Full Moon this lunar month occurs on Thursday, January 29, 2021 at 2:16:01 PM EST. In US’s capital of Washington D.C., it isn’t visible since it in the afternoon. That places the Full Moon in the 2nd House of finances.
The Full Moon this time is opposed by not just the Sun, but also Jupiter and Saturn in the 8th House in Aquarius. The other major aspect to this lunation is a square to the Mars and Uranus in the 11th House in Taurus. Taken together this forms a T-square aspect involving 6 different planets. This make for an impactful Full Moon astrologically.

On the mundane level this should play out with some type of major financial reform coming. Is it a new round of stimulus? Perhaps it is a raise in the federal minimum wage? Could student debt be forgiven? Or perhaps some sort of tax reform? Since the Democrats are in control of Congress and the Presidency these items should be high on the list to get done.
Now would be a good time do so, but Mars and Uranus in the 11th House square the Moon. Congress is too angry right now to bother, and that anger is directed at former President Trump. With Trump’s second impeachment trail set to take up a lot of time in the Senate not only over the next few weeks but maybe even months, it is doubtful the reforms that the Democrats promised will pass quickly.
What are the people suppose to do? Well, it looks like they they will have to take matters into their own hands by creating that financial reform themselves. Time to buy stock with your day trading account!
Yes, I seriously mean this. Millennial day-traders sick and tired of hedge fund naked short selling stocks and driving companies into the ground have decide to take financial reform into own hand. By create the greatest short squeeze of all time and driving numerous hedge funds in bankrupt after losing billions of dollars. Oh, and they will greatly profit from doing so too. 500% return on investment is not out of the question.

They are occupying Wall Street again only this time with their money. Gamers upset several hedge funds short selling GameStop stock have decided to band together to bankrupt them in a major short squeeze by purchasing shares at inflated prices. This is spreading to other companies that are being shorted by major Wall Street hedge funds. Expect this to major financial news after the Full Moon.

This Leo Full Moon is going to be interesting day full with the average Gamer play for real this time against the system! And this time they are playing with higher stakes and for keeps! The people will not be denied the financial reform promised during Full Moon, and will seize with their own hands if possible.