The US’s Mythical Natal Chart

I just realized I never discussed the US Natal Chart on this blog before. Well that is being corrected today. As the US has several important outer planet transits coming up to its Natal Chart that I will would like to talk about. But first everyone needs to know which US Natal Chart I am using.
The reason is that there are apparently several different versions of the US Natal Chart. The one I am using here is generally recognized as the modern version of the Sibly Chart. This chart was created Ebenezer Sibly, a contemporary British Astrologer, based on an unnamed eyewitness account he obtained.
The original chart was mess mainly because he was using a London ephemeris and trying to calculate a location in the US with it. The location is probably Philadelphia but no one really knows since Ascendant and Midheaven don’t make sense for that location. But if the time states is correct then one can definitely create a modern chart, I which is what I have done here.

But the main problem with this chart is that no one knows if the time was correct. In fact up to 18 different versions have been proposed for the July 4 date alone. And yes there is another date that could be used. That date is July 2, 1776. The reason for the July 2 date is that the actually vote for independence was taken on that date. John Adams wrote to his wife Abigail that:
“The second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports,”
He wasn’t wrong about the celebrations, but the date Americans do celebrate is July 4 not July 2. Does this have any bearing on the actual date to use? I think it does.
In the History of Rome and Pluto Returns I discussed the varying dates for the founding of Rome to use for the creation of a natal chart for it. I settled on the most common mythological date for the founding even though another date is probably more correct not only archaeologically but also has some ancient sources backing it up.
The reason for doing so the mythological chart of Rome’s founding does produced good results. It lines up with Roman history very well. This is lead to develop the theory that if enough people believe a founding date holds meaning, even if it is mythological, an astrological chart based off it should produce good result.
Therefore it is my understanding that a mythological chart would work for the US too. And the Sibly Chart is the perfect mythological chart for the US. It is on the date we Americans celebrated for Independence instead of the actual date we decide to leave Britain.
And while it’s exact time is lost in history, there is some evidence it was announced or signed sometime in the afternoon. It would make sense for the for the common people of the US to celebrate in the afternoon around this time even if the document was signed early in the afternoon. This is the approximately time that “Independence” entered in the the consciousness of the US.
And this chart has gain in popularity after the 9/11 attacks as Pluto was on the Ascendant of the chart on that day. Other astrologers have corresponded the Sibly to other events such as the first atomic test and it seems to fit that and other events too. So modern US astrologers have been increasing convinced this is the correct chart. And it is also the chart I will be using for the US as well.