2019 Full Moon in Aries – Letting go for a New Beginning

This month’s Full Moon occurs in Aries, the sign of initiative, and new beginnings. This month features the Full Moon in the 1st house on the Washington D.C. chart. The time is October 13, 2019, 5:08 PM. With the Moon in the first, your need to focus on getting rid what doesn’t work for you. The Sun in the 7th house in Libra, could mean getting rid of a relationship that doesn’t work anymore. Or with Neptune on the Ascendant, this could literally mean releasing your inhibitions and getting drunk for the day.

There are two major aspects the Moon makes in this chart. First and most importantly is a trine to Jupiter conjunct the Midheaven. This can be a easy time to change your education plan if you are in college or change the legal strategy if you are in a court case. The other aspect in the square to Pluto in the 11th house. If you are getting rid of a friend this month be prepared for fight! Power and control between soon to be former friends will stress everyone out.
Still the overall message is releasing for a better you. This is especially important when looking at the decan the Full Moon falls in, the 3rd decan of Aries. This decan is associated with Venus in the sign of Mars so relationship issues with between yourself and the others, whether they are 7th House or 11th House will take precedent. Make sure you severe or cut your dysfunctional relationships for a better you!
At the mundane level this Full Moon represent the people changing their relationships with the government. The trine to Jupiter will work out in Trump’s favor, the square to Pluto means that the people will be stressed out by the actions Congress as they attempt to use their power and authority. The next two weeks will probably not be good the impeachment effort lead by the Democrats.
In other areas this Full Moon will actually bring some good news on trade. Since Jupiter rules but the 9th and 10th Houses. We can already see this with recent announcement that the US and China have reached a partial trade deal. Phase 1 is complete! (Source: Zerohedge). And not a moment too soon! I just found out that tariffs were placed on some cryptocurrency miners I wanted to buy.