2019 Gemini Full Moon – Realization of the Situation

This month’s Full Moon occur on December 12, 2019 at 12:12 AM Standard Time in Washington D.C. The Full Moon occurs in the sign of Gemini, the sign of short distance travel, communication, and your own thoughts. It is located in the 9th House of long distance travel, legal issues, and higher education. It is located near the cusp of the 10th House of career and public status, so those meanings should also be looked at.

This month’s Full Moon is poorly aspected. It squares the Ascendant and makes a quincunx to a Venus-Saturn conjunction in the 4th House. So themes of love, money, discipline, and work at home are what will be revealed to be the things to give us stress over Christmas time. But because the aspect is a quincunx, these will be minor stresses, not major ones.
So over the next 2 weeks, one will realize something about the their career or schooling related to Saturn-Venus type issues, it will not be a major stress as everyone prepares for the holiday break. So make your plans with family and friends to celebrate!
Unless, you are part of the Deep State or Trump. Then you will have other issues to worry about. So if you haven’t followed the news lately, Trump will likely be impeached in the two week. I have some doubts the Democrats will have enough votes, but they probably do have them so at this point I am assuming it is happening.

In the chart this is represented by the Full Moon at the cusp of the 10th (the President) being opposed by the Sun on the cusp of the 4th (his enemies). The Moon is the ruler of the 11th House (Congress) and is technically in the 9th House (legal issues). Taken together this is legal issues caused by Congress, which is impeachment.
The thing is if impeachment does occur under this chart, it really happens in isolation. So it may not go any where. Besides, the having an enemy is a two way street. What will Trump’s response be? Look at what happened recently with the IG report on FISA abuse being release and then Attorney General Barr releasing statements and doing interviews saying the scope of the report is limited and that there is a active criminal investigation in this.
Trump is preparing his legal moves against his Deep State enemies. They should be worried. Trump is a master at manipulating the legal arena. Look here: He just shut down World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Appeals Court. The WTO will no longer be able to settle global trade disputes. China and Europe lose the most here and this is a win for Trump’s America First policy.
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