2019 Gemini New Moon – Clearly Communicate your Intentions
Tomorrow morning (June 3, 2019 6:02 AM) is the New Moon. This New Moon is in Gemini and conjunct the Ascendant. But the New Moon is technically in the 12th house in Washington DC and most the eastern US. The Ruler of the Ascendant is Mercury which is located in the 1st house. Since mercury is the ruler of the Ascendant, communication, commerce, and short distance travel will be at the forefront.

Depending on your personal charts, clear communication is possible to others, but they may not be receptive to the message. For the country as a whole, I think the interpretation is pretty clear. The US government will clearly communicate with the rest of the world what our intentions are for trade and commerce in the future. This already begun this weekend before the New Moon as shown in some of these recent headlines:
Yes, not only are we in a trade war with China, but now India, Mexico, and possibly Germany. This is also shown in the chart as the New Moon makes a wide opposition to Jupiter. Clearly, foreign trade and commerce will be affected this month and not in a good way. Expect more headlines like the ones above over the month or so.
The other major opposition the New Moon is making is towards Ceres in the 6th house. Ceres can related to grain crops and cultivation. This is a newer assignment as in the past these items could be indicated by Mercury and Gemini as well. In any case, I think this month may be the one the public realizes that the US may have a major food crisis developing. For those who are unaware see this headline:
This may also pull in the the New Moon Square Neptune in the 10th house. Neptune and Pisces is about flooding and this is the primary cause of the developing food crisis. It is too wet to plant any of the major grain crops grown in the Midwest. If the rains continue this month expect higher food prices 6 months from now… right around the time Ceres goes into Capricorn.
edit 6/17/2019: spelling & grammar