2019 Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio – Mercury Transits the Sun!
This month everyone is treated to not only something special astrologically, but also astronomically. Mercury will pass in front of the Sun! This is called a mercury Transit of the Sun. It is like an eclipse only it much less often. After this one, the next one will not happen until November 12, 2032.
This transit will last nearly 5 hours and 30 minutes. It should be visible from all of eastern North America from sunrise to about 1 PM, whether permitting. Snow is forecasted in my location so I will be watching online. If you plan to view it live you will need the same eye protection or Sun filter as you need for a Solar Eclipse plus a telescope. Mercury will not be visible without a telescope.
Astrologically, the important part of the transit is the exact conjunction on Mercury and Sun. When this happens with a planet, the planet is is cazimi, meaning it is in the heart of the Sun. Astronomically this isn’t always true as the often the planet will either pass to the north or south because of the tilt in the planets orbit. In this instance Mercury will actually be in the heart of the Sun.
This happens on November 11, 2019 at 10:13 AM, Washington D.C. This conjunction occurs in the 10th House, but it is close enough to the 11th House to placed there under certain house systems. For more personal interpretation, this means where the mercury Retrograde falls in your chart, the impact of that will be seen in the public eye or at least within your social circle. For example the retrograde occurs in the 4th House of home and family for me. Therefore during Monday, my social circle may learn about how I am experiencing the retrograde.

At the Mundane this indicates disagreements within the government, specifically in the US in the executive branch if the 10th House or with Congress if the 11th House. Frankly, it could be both. In the U.S. there is the impeachment investigation in Congress and public hearing begin on this day. It would not be unreasonable to expect a very public disagreement in Congress on this involving many members of the Trump administration.
There are two main aspect to this Conjunct makes to other planets in the chart. A sextile to the applying Saturn Pluto conjunction in the 1st House, and a trine to the Neptune in the 2nd House. What this means is that whatever happens with impeachment starting Monday will permanently change public opinion and will likely be because of the preconceived illusions everyone has about it.