2019 New Moon in Libra – Start a New Relationship With Your Own Ideas!

On Saturday, September 28, at 2:26 PM, a New Moon will occur in Libra in the 9th House. So themes of high education, religion, and legal matters and how that affects your relationships will dominate the month for everyone. Depending on where it falls in your chart would indicate in what direct these issues will come from. For instance this New Moon falls in my 3rd House so I could expect legal issues within my neighborhood from relationships with neighbors.

This New Moon also occur in the first decan of Libra, which is ruled by the Moon. This decan is strongly associated with justice and keeping the peace. This is also a decan of decision and indecision. It invites us to start a new relationship with our own ideas, choosing the ones that work and putting them into action in a fair manner. This could also indicate a choice in a relationship.
At the mundane level this New Moon carries much of the same meaning on the individual level. However, with Nancy Pelosi’s announcement of an impeachment inquiry against President Trump, I would expect that for the lunar month legal matters will dominate the headlines. This is especially true with the New Moon making a square to the Ascendant, the only major aspect it makes to any angle or planet in the chart.
These legal matters will directly challenge the country itself! What justice will this country carry forward… For those that don’t know there is a group out there that wants to rewrite the laws so that people are assumed guilty and have to prove their innocence in court. Traditionally in the US people are presumed innocent until proven guilty.

I will have more on the impeachment inquiry and political situation in the US in some future posts as there is a lot that is happening. But for now it is best to concentration on one’s own personal 9th house issue and take care of it. The rest of the world can do its own thing. That is the balance of life.