2019 Pisces Full Moon – Letting Go of Your Status

On September 14, 2019 at 12:34 AM in Washington D.C., the Full Moon arrives. This Full Moon lands in the 10th House in Pisces. It is opposite the not only the Sun, but Mercury, Venus, and Mars in Virgo. With all of the personal planets in Virgo, a sign associated with work, is making everyone very busy. Now with the Full Moon in Pisces one can at least emotionally escape from their daily tasks.

The Full Moon is also a good time to let go of things that don’t work. With it landing in the 10th House now may be a good time to let go of the career, job, or any other public status that you feel is not working out. This is my plan in a a few days as I already decided to remove myself from a leadership position in an organization I belong to. I will have another post on this since I elected the time of my resignation.
At the mundane level, a Full Moon here would likely indicated a shift in the popularity of the President. In this case, because the The Full Moon forms a T-Square with Jupiter and Mars, I would expect Trump’s popularity to drop. It probably won’t sink his Presidency though, which will disappoint every Democrat in the country. This is made more likely with Neptune conjunct the Full Moon, as this planet will cloud the emotions of everyone invested in national politics
Another interpretation is that this Full Moon would negatively affect national trade. With the square to Jupiter this may also indicate trade discussions start to affect foreign workers who are inside the US. Perhaps this happens through executive order too. With Neptune conjunct the Full Moon though it is difficult to get a read on situation as the situation may be foggy even to the US government.