2019 Sagittarius Full Moon – Realizing the Truth of the Relationship

The Full Moon is tomorrow morning (June 17, 2019 4:29 AM). This Full Moon will see the realization of the truth of the relationship with whom we communicated our intentions starting two weeks ago. Are there new partners based on this, or did you find a new enemy? This lunation will tell the truth of the matter.
At the mundane level, looking at the chart for Washington D.C., the Full Moon lands in the 7th house. This will be about finding the truth where U.S. stands not just with foreign allies, but our enemies as well. How this turns out I am not sure. Recent headlines about the trade wars have died down for now. For me at the least there are two big questions on the where the U.S. Stands in the world right now.

The first is how is our European allies see us. Many European governments are not fans of the Trump administration and would like some one else in charge of the country. There are many disagreements between them but the U.S.’s foreign policy on the Iran deal seems like the biggest issue now. European governments such as France and Germany want to keep the deal in place. Will these countries make a major break with the U.S. because of this issue?
This leads into the second question. Where the U.S. stands with Iran. After the recent attacks on two oil tankers in the Persian Gulf it seems like the U.S. is ready to address the issue of Iran more forcefully. I don’t think this would mean war, but likely further sanctions against Iran are on the way.
Other than the Full Moon itself, the most interesting aspects in the chart revolve around Mercury. It is conjunct the North Node and Mars while at the same opposing Saturn and Pluto. In this chart it occurs on the cusp of the 3rd house because I am using a Placidus house system. Based on the house system used 2nd house meaning could be assigned.
This aspect is all about strengthening the U.S. financial position at the expense of everyone else in the world. Whether this is done through our own financial institutions (2nd house interpretation) or through contracts and trade deals (3rd house interpretation) doesn’t matter. The U.S.’s finances will likely improve at the expense of foreign trade and commerce. By intention or circumstance the U.S. may start to be less dependent on the world.
edit 6/17/2019: spelling & grammar