2019 Sagittarius New Moon – Rush Towards Friendships & Impeachment

This month’s new Moon falls in the 11th House in the Washington D.C. chart. The time of the lunation is November 26, 2019 at 10:05 AM. The 11th House is all about friends and social groups on the personal level, while at the national level this is Congress.
In this chart the New Moon essentially stands alone and not aspecting any other planet unless you count the quincrux to Uranus. This means that the whatever friendships, groups or social activities are activated by this New Moon may have some unusual interference from home or with communication Since Uranus in in the 3rd House near the cusp of the 4th House.

Just in time for Thanksgiving too! The time of the year when American families get together to celebrate what they are thankful for while being passive aggressive with each other. If there is some unusual interference from family with your social groups, it is because of normal holiday stresses.
The New Moon lands in the decan of Mercury so things will move at a fast pace for the entire month, especially since Mercury is out of its retrograde. Mercury is still in its shadow but will soon leave it. Once that happens things will pick up and rush towards the holidays.
The mundane interpretation is more straight forward. Congress is working on Impeachment for President Trump. I have already written how I think will proceed here, but this chart shows that the House does have the the aspects to move the process forward.
The interference coming from Uranus, is probably the indifference of middle America to the entire process. This is opposite Mars in the 10th House, which will likely mean an angry Trump makes make unexpected tweets and announcements. Probably fully justified in his mind too as the Inspector General’s Report of the origin of the FISA request to spy on him comes out on December 9, 2019, close to the Full Moon.