2019 Scorpio Full Moon
Tonight there is a full moon at 27o Scorpio. Full moons are about the completion of something. It can also be about letting go something which you actively choose. Today’s Full Moon lands in the 2nd House. This house is about money and values. This means that one could let out go of money or have a deeply held value at this time. One could also see the completion of receiving an inheritance.
In the mundane chart shown below, the Moon is also making an opposition to Mercury. This would suggest the United States is not concerned with domestic money, but also commerce, and debts it owes. This may not be best time to ask for foreign assistance with any of our trade disputes. Mercury is the ruler of the 9th and 11th house so it will affect all foreign trade, but also specifically our current trade allies.

With the Chinese trade deal currently dead in the water (Yes, I missed this prediction from two weeks ago), there may be more news about current agreed deals like the North American Trade Deal or trade deals with Japan or our European allies. What happens? Perhaps ones of these deals is finalized. Or maybe one of these deals needs to be finalized by the United States by giving up some money. I actually don’t know because I haven’t heard too much talk of other trade deals in the news.
What I do know is that this will likely be public knowledge this week since the Moon is trining the Midheaven. This will put the issues being illuminated square in the public’s awareness for everyone to see.
edit 6/17/2019: spelling & grammar