2019 Scorpio New Moon – Disruption at Home

Well, the New Moon in Scorpio is here, and this year it will be intense! It occurs at 4 degrees of Scorpio partile opposite the 4 degree Uranus in Taurus, in the Washington D.C. chart. The date and time for the chart is October 27, 2019 11:38 PM. This places the New Moon in the 4th House of home and family. Expect the unexpected to occur in your home or with your family.
The New Moon makes no major aspect to any other planet in the chart. Continuing with the theme disruption at the home, Mars is conjunct the IC in Libra. This would mean that anger and fighting may break out in your home as everyone attempts to renegotiate the living conditions. With the Mars squaring Saturn in Capricorn in the 6th House this will affect your work and daily routine. Both planets are a part of a T-Sqaure with the Midheaven, so your public image and job will be affected too.

The New Moon falls into the decan of Mars in Scorpio, so the affects of Mars at the IC are amplified this month. With Mars in Libra, its detriment, it is not functioning well. However, mars is saved somewhat by being in a mutual reception with Venus by rulership and a double mutual reception with Saturn by exaltation and face. So working with either Venus energy or Saturn energy when Mars acts up this month would be beneficial.
In the Mundane realm, A New Moon in the 4th House deals with agriculture, mining, and property values. Because of the opposition to Uranus in the 10th, unexpected severe weather may damage to crops even further than the wet weather this Spring. It also wouldn’t be surprising if a major earthquake either. Especially with Mars on the IC.
Rounding out the possible meaning in bad weather cause by Mars, would be intense forest fires in California. Already millions of people are facing rolling blackouts in an attempt to prevent electric transmission lines from causing forest fires. (Source: Zerohedge) Uranus is electricity and wit the New Moon opposing it the blackouts could be severe over the next lunar month. Californians may be in for rough month.
Politically, the 4th House is the opposition to the 10th House so the impeachment process will really get going this month. I plan to do some posts on that in the near future so I won’t say much here. Only that the opposition is very angry at Trump right now, and being in detriment, they may not make the best decisions going forward.
However most of the impeachment events will not happen until November. So enjoy the Halloween Holiday!