2019 Taurus Full Moon – Illuminating Your Communication Retroactively

This month’s Full Moon happens the day after the Transit of Mercury. With Mercury retrograde and opposing the Moon with Sun, except everyone’s communication errors and mistakes to be on full display. Travel delays will also be likely. Especially in the area of your work, because the Full Moon happens on the cusp of the 6th House.
Looking at the chart Washington D.C. chart, occurring on Tuesday November 12, 2019, at 8:34 AM, the Full Moon occurs in Taurus and opposes the Sun and Mercury in the 11th House. The only other major aspects the Moon makes are a sextile to Neptune in the 3rd House and a trine to Saturn in 2nd House. The aspect to Neptune indicates that miscommunication will likely occur because of unclear communication. This further enhances the Mercury retrograde aspects. With Saturn it may mean a sudden revealing that your money is restricted.

At the mundane level, the 6th House deals mainly with labor. I would not trust the any statistics that come out about the labor market at this time. With the Mercury retrograde affecting the Full Moon, I expect the statics to be full of errors and mistakes.
Since the Full Moon is in Taurus, I also wouldn’t trust any data on farm production and this year’s harvest. In past posts I mentioned the astrology is not looking good for the US harvest this year. So I would expect government officials to paint a more rosy picture for our food supply than likely is the case.
Finally, since the Sun is technically in the 11th House, I would think some of the communicating from Congress to be mistaken. This is especially important with the impeachment inquiry of Trump. I made a mention of this being a possibly in my last post on the Transit of Mercury. This Full Moon chart gives further credence to that position. Congress is in for interesting 2 weeks then…