2019 Virgo New Moon – Let’s Go Back To Work

The will be a shorter post than normal because it is time to get back to work. After a month of play, now we have to get back to our normal work schedule. At least we will be busy and and like what we do. The New Moon happens this month at 6:37 AM in Washington D.C. It is partile conjunct the ascendant. The New Moon is also conjunct Mars to within a degree and Venus within 5 degrees.

Mercury is also conjunct the New Moon, but is located in the 12th House. This would indicated that there could be a lot of behind the scenes communication going on. All of this is making a trine to Uranus in the 9th house. So there may be unexpected disruptions to your work due to legal issues or problems at class if you are going to college.
On the Mundane level the 1st House and Ascendant represent the people of the country. So most people are going to working very hard this month. So very much of the personal interpretation applies this month at the mundane level as well. The only difference is that the beneficial disruptions from the 9th House Uranus may come from foreigners instead of the courts.
So because there is much work to get done, I will cut this post short. I have a lot of I need to get done this month too!