2020 2nd Cancer New Moon – Changing the Laws of the Land

This is the second New Moon in Cancer this year, which happens on occasion. The New Moon happens on July 20, 2020 at 1:33 PM EDT. In the Washington D.C. chart, this places the New Moon in the 9th House, but close enough to the Midheaven to place it in the 10th House.
There are two partile aspects to the New Moon. First is a square with Ascendant in Libra, and secondly an opposition to an retrograde Saturn in Capricorn in the 3rd House,or 4th House since Saturn is close to IC. This forms a T-square in the chart in the cardinal signs, which is an aspect of great stress in the chart.

The finally aspects to mention is a weak opposition to the Jupiter Pluto conjunction in Capricorn also in the 3rd House. This is does blend a little into the opposition with Saturn, so the effects here are going to be mostly due to Saturn since it is a loose conjunction with both of those planets too.
The Mundane interpretation of this is renewed focus on the Supreme Court, since the new Moon is the 9th House. Except the US Supreme Court is now in recess until the Fall so there is likely another meaning to this. After some thought, I think this New Moon likely symbolizes the start of the legal implications of the recent McGrit v Oklahoma decision by the US Supreme Court.

This decision, which is the most surprising of this term, states that half of Oklahoma is still an Indian Reservation. The crux of this decision rest in the fact that the original legal treaty between the Indian tribes in Oklahoma and the Federal Government was never modified and therefore should still be in force even though the State Government of Oklahoma has decided to ignore it for over 100 years.
The implications of the are many, and this decision will likely start many new legal battles through the country since over half the land in the US used to be Indian Reservation. Most of which was decided to not be Indian Reservation by various State Governments and not Federal Government. In the US Indian Tribes have always been considered to foreign nations since the founding and therefore only the Federal government has the authority to deal with them.

This blog post on SurivalBlog.org does a good job of summarizing the implications. Which include, but not limited too the possible Balkanization of the US. For those unfamiliar with the term Balkanization means the breakup of a larger country into smaller countries such as what happen to the former Yugoslavia after the end of the cold war. This remains a possibility especially since the the US is about to under go its Pluto Return, a transform or die type of transit.
This fits the the New Moon better than other interpretations since it is Cancer (homeland) involving treaties (Libra Ascendant) opposition Saturn (land) in in Capricorn (government) the 3rd House (legal contracts) or 4th House (land). Jupiter and Pluto comes in to provide the big changes necessary. Of course since this comes in a T-square configuration the changes will not easy.
I would expect many other legal battles to result from this, a few of which should probably reach the US Supreme Court to clarify this precedent. Likely, many of these case will begin this month as various Indian Tribe file suit against States that contain their former territory. However, the first thing that needs to be worked out legally is how Oklahoma will hand over half of the State to several different Indian Tribes that probably don’t have resources or manpower to govern right away.