2020 Aquarius New Moon – The Difficult Unusual Relationship

On January 25, 2020 at 4:41 PM, Washington D.C. time, the New Moon occurs in Aquarius. This New Moon occurs in the 7th House and only makes one aspect. That aspect is a a square to Uranus in Taurus in the 10th House.

For most Americans in their personal lives this means that you will experience the start of a new unusual relationship. But with the square to Uranus this be a difficult. The relationship may suddenly appear or disappear depending on your natal chart.
At the Mundane level the US is about to enter an unsettled period of changing foreign relationship. This is likely to be caused by executive order. I would expect this to occur in at least two different foreign regions. First would be Great Britain and the EU. With Brexit done, Great Britain is looking for new trade deals, particularly with the US since the EU is expected to punish them for leaving.
The other issue of concern, which just suddenly appeared is the coronavirus outbreak in China. This will get worst before it gets better with over 40 million people quarantined during the busiest travel season in China. Does the US suddenly ban travel to China only to reverse the decision a few days later because of trade concerns? I think is it is possible and would fit with the New Moon Uranus aspect.

Finally, as a bonus problem that is creeping up on US foreign relations is what to do with Turkey. They have been an US ally since WWII, but recently they have been distancing themselves from the US. In addition Turkey has been threatening Greece for a while over gas drilling claims. Eventually, the US will have to to get involved. If it does so it may sanction Turkey.