2020 Aries Ingress – China – It’s time in the Sun… Briefly

I have already looked at the Aries Ingress for US, so how about another country for comparison? Let’s look at China’s! I don’t always look at other countries’ charts but with world events going on it is a good time to start. I choose to look at China’s because not only because the covid pandemic, but because the economic fallout from them closing major industries to combat the spread of the virus.

In China’s chart, the Sun enters Aries on March 20, 2020 at 11:50 AM Beijing Standard Time. It’s Sun is in the 10th House. The Sun is strong in this position and this means the Chinese Communist Party, or CCP, is in a good position to rule over China. But with Neptune on the 10th House cusp, they maybe deluding themselves with how power they actually have. This is them lying to themselves to save face about the covid situation in their country.
The biggest change though in is foreign relations. The 7th House, which in mundane astrology is how you interact with foreign countries has a conjunction of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in it. China will have to make a lot of changes in how they deal with other countries.
In fact from this chart it is clear that most other countries are angry with China on how the covid situation started. Remember China covered this up for about 6 weeks for unknown reasons. If they were open from the start it is highly possible that the virus would not have spread outside of China. Also with China’s factories shut down trade disruptions will force them to deal with their foreign trade partners very differently.

How will the Chinese people fair with all of this. Well, the Moon represents the people in mundane astrology. Here the Moon is located in the 8th House, the house of death. People are still dying in China of covid, despite what the government says. They can keep this hidden for now since the 8th House can also deal with secrets but, I don’t it will last long.

How long does this last? When casting a Aries Ingress Chart one should pay attention to the ascendant. If it falls on a fixed sign, the chart is applicable for the entire year. If it is on mutable sign then it is applicable for only a half a year and you need to look at Libra Ingress Chart for the other half. If it is on a cardinal sign then you need to look at the ingress Chart for every cardinal sign throughout the year. The Aires Ingress Chart is only applicable for the first 3 months.
In the US Aries Ingress Chart, the ascendant was Scorpio, a fixed sign. So that chart is applicable for the entire year. China’s chart however, has the cardinal sign of Cancer on the ascendant. So the Aries Ingress Chart is only valid for the first 3 months of the year. So China will only be like this until mid June. Does it get better after that?

Actually it doesn’t. Here is the Cancer Ingress Chart of China. June 21, 2020 at 5:44 AM Beijing, China. Here the Sun is the 12th House. The CCP is now trapped by their own lies, which they still continue to say because Neptune is on the Midheaven still. Their relationship with foreigners still continue change especially as Jupiter is besieged in the 7th house between Saturn and Pluto. It seems foreign countries will put a lot of pressure on China at this time.

The by this time the people of China are also just as trapped as the CCP with the Moon also in the 12th House. This could also mean that many more people are sick hospitalize too. But I think this could also be indicative of something else. The Moon is ruled by Mercury as it is in Gemini. There is a mutual reception between them too. Mercury is retrograde on Ascendant. Mercury also rules the 4th House, which in mundane astrology can be the opposition to the current government. So the people of China will not be happy with the CCP. In fact there will openly oppose them because of the situation with covid.
There is another indication of this in the chart. Mars in the 10th House squaring the Moon in the 12th House. Mars in the 10th House can indicated a state of war or mobilization of soldiers. If well aspected, this can be a good thing for the country and it’s leadership because it indicates they will win. If badly aspected, they may want hold off as this in an indication the war will not well. Especially if it is not well aspected to a luminary.
In China’s case the CCP will likely be at war with it’s own people as they revolt of the handling of the covid pandemic. The Moon is an applying square almost to the minute! The people will revolt because they are just a trapped by the situation as the government. People always tolerate oppressive governments in good times, but in bad times when the people are hungry, or a disease is killing them, they have nothing left to lose.
China’s economy is still shut down people don’t have work to do. China is a net importer of food. If they can’t trade normally with foreigners like these charts suggest, their people will starve. There is also a pandemic going around when people see their family members get sick and die, and have no job, and have very little, they are at the point where they have nothing left to lose.

This is not without precedent in Chinese history. They have a concept called Mandate of Heaven. The emperor rules on behalf of God and the heavens. When natural disasters strikes, famine, flooding, pandemic disease it indicates God has withdrawn the mandate he gave the emperor.
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