2020 Aries Ingress – USA – Workings from Home During the Astrological New Year

On March 19, 2020 at 11:50 PM EST, the Sun enters Aries. This is the tradition start of the astrological New Year. Mundane astrologers across the world look at the charts of this event at each nation’s capital to gain a sense of is in store for the nation over the next year.
For the US, this means looking at the Washington D.C. chart. In the chart, the Sun is the 4th House. Over the next 12 months, the United States focus will be in the home. For a lot of Americans this is very true now as the coronavirus, or the Chinese Virus is spreading uncontrolled across the the country. Many folks are sheltering in place. Where I live the governor has already closed nearly everything down except grocery stores and pharmacies. My company has ordered me to work from home for the indefinite future too.
With nothing to do except wait until the pandemic dies down, it is a good time to start home improvement project. As long as you and your family haven’t caught the virus yet. About 20% of the people who are diagnosed with Covid, require intensive medical care at a hospital. In a month or 2 most hospitals in the US will be filled with Covid patients and medical care will likely have to be rationed.
The Covid pandemic will also cause great financial loss to this country. In the 2nd House, there is a conjunction of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto with Jupiter and Pluto besieged by the two traditional malefic planets Mars & Saturn. The US financial market is falling faster than it did in 1929 and in addition there is a global shortage of US dollars as banks struggle to meet their obligations. This year the US’s national financial debts are due and we have to make drastic changes to finances to survive.

But what about the pandemic? Well there is some good news in this chart. The health of a nation is determined by the 6th House. This year the 6th House is ruled by Venus in the 6th House in Taurus. This is a well dignified Venus. This would indicate the health of the country to be generally good unless it is a Venus specific health issue. Covid is not a Venus health issue. If anything it is a Mercury health issue since Mercury rules dry coughs and pneumonia. In the chart this is represented by Mercury in the 3rd house sextile Uranus in the 6th House.
So if the health of the US can improve, what is the way to do so? Venus is Square the Moon in 3rd House. The Moon in the 3rd relates to the people traveling locally in the country. It makes an applying square to Venus. So the best way to improve the health of the country is place restrictions on travel inside the country to prevent the spread of Covid.

This suggest travel restriction will be in place for at least a year. These ravel restriction must come from the federal government since the states can’t regulate travel to other states. However the Trump administration and Congress has not indicate a willingness to do this yet. But This chart indicates that in the next three months travel restriction inside the US will become likely.
The Moon in the 3rd House also indicative of people staying in contact with one another with technology. While everyone is social distancing, people will still feel the need to connect with one another. This year we will finally have video calls become more common and acceptable among everyone.

Please stay safe and healthy and have a happy Astrological New Year!