2020 Cancer Lunar Eclipse – Illuminating Your New Values

This month’s Full Moon is a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. In a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse, the moon behind Earth’s Penumbra shadow which makes it less darker than a normal lunar eclipse. The Lunar Eclipse occurs at January 10, 2020 at 2:21 PM for Washington D.C. This places the Lunar Eclipse in the 2nd House in Cancer, which is the house of money and values.

In this case the Eclipse is not only opposing the Sun, but also Mercury, Ceres, Saturn, and Pluto in the 8th House in Capricorn. With so many planets involved in opposition to this Eclipse the energy will be very intense for most people.
On a individual level, this Lunar Eclipse will likely illuminate the money situation at home and how debts own to institutions like banks or the government need to be resolved. Given the opposition to Saturn and Pluto this will likely involved some type of power struggle with the authority involved.
On the mundane level, the Lunar Eclipse will more likely change the values we hold as a country. Because the US government is not going to address the unbalanced budget issues ever, or at least until we have to declare partial bankruptcy.
The values that will change will relate to domestics politics mainly, but also a little to defense. One can already see this in the situation that happened last week with Iran. After President Trump killed an Iranian General in Iraq it seemed like the two countries would go to war. But now it seems like the whole situation was created by Trump to deescalate the tension in the region and bring Iran back to negotiations.
One can also see the change in the values at home with the Democrats now opposing any war with Iran. There is also discussion of bringing the troops home from Iraq. Both of which not only be good things, but show that the US is beginning to focus more on domestics concerns than foreign ones. This is a welcome change of values for the US.
However, I expect an even greater emphasis for domestic concerns. The primary hot-spot for the change in values in the US in the next 6 months will be Virginia. This is where the Democrats have gain control of the state government during the last election.
They have promised have promised changed there. And the biggest change they want is how Americans value their self defense and guns. No only are the Democrats planning to pass an assault weapons ban, they also plan to outlaw ownership of most other types of guns and confiscate them, outlaw carrying ammunition, and shooting ranges, and even outlawing the teaching of any type of self defense including martial arts.
Things will likely get interesting since at least half of the population is refusing to obey these laws already. It is also interesting to note that last time a government official tried mass confiscation of guns it was 1775. About one Pluto cycle ago.