2020 Capricorn Full Moon Eclipse – Revealing and Rethinking the President’s Status

The last of the summer eclipses are here! On July 5, at 12:47 AM EDT the final eclipse of the season occurs with a Full Moon in Capricorn. For the Washington D.C. chart this occurs in the 10th House, near the Midheaven making this eclipse especially powerful.
The lunar eclipse makes three major aspects to planets, a sextile to Ceres in 12th House of Pisces, and a trine to Uranus in the 1st House in Taurus. Additionally, Mercury is retrograde and opposing the eclipse. The final aspect this eclipse makes is a square directly to the Ascendant of the chart at 12 degrees of Aries.

At the Mundane level, the lunar eclipse deals with the US government, and the President specifically. This indicates that there is some level of unpopularity with Trump. There is certainly a lot of communication to that effect now from both of the sides of the political spectrum.
The liberal side has always hated him and is doing whatever they can think of to prevent his reelection. While the conservative side is not happy with the way he has handled recent events such as the coronavirus quarantine and the recent protest or riots against policy brutality.
With Mercury retrograde here, there is probably an element of miscommunication here on both sides. Do they really mean what they say? For example, I think conservatives will vote for him no matter how unhappy they are with his performance.
Still, the values of the public are changing into an unexpected direction as the effects of this lunar eclipse stresses the Ascendant. The direction the public goes will likely not be known until election day since the effects of the lunar eclipse should last that long. But which ever direction it goes will produce a big change in the structure of the government and Congress.

One thing that does concern me is the Mars in the 12th House. This could represent some secret enemy of the US. With the public discord of the upcoming election, they could decide now is the time to strike. Especially during the upcoming Mars retrograde in Aries right before the election. So I think this is high risk of political violence during the next 6 months, but hopefully I am wrong on this.