2020 Full Moon in Aquarius – The Realization of a New Cold War

The Aquarius Full Moon this month is exact on August 3, 2020 at 11:58 AM EDT in the US. For the Washington D.C chart, this places the Full Moon 4th House of home, family, and security. The major aspect this Full Moon makes is a square to Uranus in Taurus in the 7th House. Combining that with the standard opposition to the Sun, Uranus forms a T-square along the 10th , 7th , and 4th House axis.

This means that the US will become aware of new technological threats to our homeland by a foreign power. Or perhaps these threats are all ready well understood by the government and they will reveal them to people soon. The best example of this is Trump’s threat to ban the TikTok app in the US market. But it is not limited to TikTok as there are many other apps that could be affected. Like WeChat or even Zoom.
This many be surprising to some Americans, as why would anyone be concerned about an app used be women to make dance videos like TikTok? Apparently the word in the computer security community is that the app is actually mostly a Chinese Communist Party spy tool that they intend to use gather an enormous amount of data on everyone on the planets to use as part of their “Social Credit System”. This is a system that ranks people based on how well they conform the CCP’s ideas. People who oppose them get shut out of travel, banking, and even internet access.

The end result of this will be a new Cold War with China. One that is primarily fought with technology and computers along with diplomacy instead o actual military strength. In the chart Mars is the ruler of the 7th House and it is conjunct the descendant. It squares Jupiter in the 3rd House in Capricorn. This is a clear indicated of increase foreign tensions and Cold War rhetoric. It wouldn’t be surprising to see give a major speech about confronting China and single greatest threat to the US in the next 2 weeks.
After that, a complete disruption in foreign relations with many other countries will occur. Because if they want to allow China to place spy apps on their citizen’s phone then, they have chosen the enemy’s side. Banning TicTok will mean all US allies will have to ban it too. If they don’t, then they are not the US’s ally anymore. It is choice that many countries will have to make very shortly. Are you on China’s side or the US’s?