2020 Full Moon in Cancer – Trump Reveals his Legacy

On Tuesday, December 29, 2020 at 10:28 PM EST the US is treated to a Full Moon in Cancer. For the Washington D.C. chart this Full Moon occurs in the 10th House. This is the Full Moon where Trump reveals his legacy to the world.
Trump is scheduled to leave office on January 20, 2021, and this is the last Full Moon with him as President. So far he has refused to conceded despite advice from lawyers telling him to. An increasing number of his supporters are calling on him to ‘Cross the Rubicon’ to prevent Joe Biden from becoming President. This phrase refers to the time Julius Caesar refused the Roman Senate’s order to step down and start a civil war. So it looks like things will return to normal starting in 2021.
Wait! What!? Nothing is normal about this situation at all!!! This is going to be a huge problem…

This certainly doesn’t seem like a President who is planning to leave office and work on his legacy as Presidents traditionally do. Something very unusual is going on here. What’s going on here is not known precisely at this moment.
Did Trump’s legal strategy spin out of control after convincing nearly half the county, mostly his base of supporters, that the election is stolen? Or is the rumors about Joe Biden being brought off by the Chinese government true and that the national security players in the Deep State decided Biden could never be President?
Frankly, I have no idea if it is one of those scenarios or something even more bizarre. Maybe Donald Trump is that much of egomaniac and decided to go out in the worst way possible. We probably won’t know for sure until January 20, 2021. Maybe not even then! While most in the mainstream media think everything will go back to normal, those actually listening to what Trump and his supporters are saying can tell things won’t be normal for a long time.

So what legacy does Trump revel in the next two weeks? The only clue here is the sextile to Uranus in the 8th House. Uranus is the unpredictable planet and it is likely no one can predict Trump’s next move with certainty. But in relation to his legacy this may be end of an era. In other words, the peaceful transition of power between Presidents is about end.
The deplorables are about to become the ungovernables. This is most likely what Trump’s legacy is.