2020 Gemini Full Moon – Eclipse of the Deep State

On November 30, 2020 at 4:28 AM EST, the first of the eclipses for the end of the year eclipse season occurs. This eclipse is the Gemini Full Moon eclipse. In the Washington D.C. chart, the eclipse occurs in the 8th House.

The aspects this lunar eclipse makes are a weak square to Ceres in Pisces in the 5th House, and two moderate semi-sextiles to an Venus Uranus opposition along the Scorpio Taurus axis in the 1st and 7th Houses. These are not major aspects to the Full Moon eclipse, so the effects will have a hard time showing up.
Especially the Venus Uranus aspects. At best this indicates some some type of foreign involvement with the US, that is not directly seen, despite the fact that full moons usually shine light on a subject. In this case one may have a hard time seeing the foreign involvement in the US.
One possible manifestation is how some Republicans view the recent presidential election. That China an Iran interfered it though hacking into the election machines in Georgia and Michigan. Time will tell if this is true or not. For now, it seems that these claims are a little far-fetched, awaiting concrete evidence. Given the semi-sextile aspect to Uranus in the 7th House, I would not expect that to occur anytime soon.

Looking at the weak square to Ceres in the other hand is a little bit more straightforward. In Mundane Astrology, the 8th House interpretations of the Moon typically directly involve excess deaths of women. This could indicate a prominent women dying and the country grieving. However, given the news cycle is still dominated by the election I am hesitant to solely make this interpretation.
I associate with the 8th House with the Deep State and given the election court cases I think this eclipse relates more to the revealing of the Deep State plans for the US than anything else. Donald Trump is still refusing to concede and his court cases are working their way through the legal system. The one filed in Pennsylvania should reach the Supreme Court this week.
Legal issues aside, I am often wonder why is he refusing concede? The court cases may not go his way and even if a majority of his party thinks the election was stolen, shouldn’t he concede if he has no legal recourse?
I am not sure he will. This leads me to believe that one or two things is about about to occur in regards to the Deep State. Either a fraction of the Deep State has decided to install Trump as President regardless of the popular vote or electoral vote outcome. Or Trump is about to air the dirty laundry of the Deep State on his way out office as a way to get back at his perceived enemies there.
Either of these options could be possible under this lunar eclipse, however neither of these options are particularity good the US as a country either.