2020 Gemini New Moon – Debate on the Foreign Influence

On May 22, 2020 at 1:39 PM, Washington D.C. time a new New Moon occurs in the early degrees of Gemini. The New Moon is also in the 9th House. This New Moon makes two aspects, a square to Mars in Pisces in the 6th House, and a trine to Saturn in Aquarius in the 5th House.

On a personal level the New Moon is in the house of higher education and law. Any legal matters one has will be brought forth this month because most courts around the country will begin to operate again. Same with religious institutions, they will begin to open again too. Just expect some new precautions with square to Mars in the 6th House because the coronavirus before you attend.
The restrictions on sporting events will still be maintained. This is shown through the trine to Saturn (restrictions) in the 5th House (sporting events & entertainment). In fact most forms of entertainment will have restrictions on them for this next month. But if one takes some time to build something of lasting value or work in a garden, one could direct this restricting energy into something creative and constructive.

At the national mundane level, I think this New Moon represents the beginning of a national debate about how to conduct foreign relations in during the pandemic. I say this is a debate, because unlike a natal chart where the 9th House would be foreign travel, a country itself sees other countries as a 7th House matter. In the mundane chart the 9th House is always internally to the nation, unless there in an indicator for foreign trade or long distance mission undertaken by the country.
In this scenario, the debate on foreign relations will be central in the government this month. Trump and the Republicans are going to begin to pressure China and the World Health Organization (WHO) on the coronavirus pandemic. The Democrats in Congress will oppose this and thus will begin a very public debate on what the US foreign policy be going forward. This will very likely be the central issue of the 2020 presidential campaign.
Please note, no major actions involving foreign relations will take place. Neptune is in the 7th House and most likely no one will know what is going on. This could be that information from foreign countries in not good since Mercury conjunct the retrograde Venus makes a partile square to this Neptune from the 10th House. This means the most action we make see is Trump trading angry tweets with the Chinese on twitter.

The coronavirus will still be affecting the US as Mars is the 6th House. This placement is traditionally associated with epidemics and disease in the nations. Squaring the New Moon, shows that this will still be a problem over the next lunar month. One more specific prediction, is that we may see more issues with the coronavirus on US Navy ships. This is because the the 6th House relates to the military and the 9th House is long distance ocean travel.
Finally, since it May 22, Happy Bitcoin Pizza Day!