2020 Libra New Moon – Ready for the October Surprise?

On October 16, 2020 at 3:30 PM EDT, the Libra New Moon arrives in the sky. In the Washington D.C chart, this lunation occurs in the 8th House. It makes three aspects. The first is a trine to the North Node in Gemini in the 4th House. The second is a square to the Saturn Pluto conjunction in Capricorn in the 12th House. The final one is an opposition to the retrograde Mars in Aries, in the 2nd House.

This is the Full Moon that is right before the upcoming US Presidential Election. And because of the timing this year, it is the prefect time for an October Surprise to completely this disrupt the upcoming election. And with the New Moon falling in the 8th House secrets will be revealed.
This year’s surprise may have came a few days early. According to the New York Post, a laptop with Hunter Biden’s photos and emails turned up at a computer repair shop and then somehow found their way to the FBI and to Rudy Giuliani, former mayor of New York City and a lawyer currently working for Donald Trump. Giuliani then sent the document to the New York Post to publish them.
The main topic of the documents is that Hunter Biden was placed in various business organizations in the Ukraine and China not because he was qualified for the jobs, but to sell influence to business men and politicians in those countries. The influence he was selling was access to then Vice President Joe Biden.
Given the placement of the New Moon in the 8th House in Libra, which deals with foreign money and secret relationships, the US public will likely hear more of this story in the coming weeks before the election. And given the opposition to the retrograde Mars in the 2nd House, they may not be too happy to hear about this at all. Another 8th House topic is sex and supposedly a Hunter Biden sex tape exists and could be released as part of this. Not sure if that will happen or not, but is would fit a Libra 8th House New Moon.
What about the aspect to Saturn and Pluto in the 12th House? Well that is likely Facebook’s and Twitter’s response to this story, which is bordering dangerously close to outright censorship. The Internet is a 12th House thing, despite some astrologers placing in the 11th House. Social media could be 11th House, but using the Internet is a self isolating activity for most people regardless of what they do online.
While political scandals and fake news have always been part and parcel of American politics and news, no one has tried to stop the flow of information from people reporting on these things before. That is until now. Twitter is the worst offender in this situation as it has suspended the accounts of the Republicans Representatives in House, the Trump Campaign, and the White Press Secretary for linking to the Post’s story.

All for sharing links to the New York Post article. It is easily for Republicans to cry foul and see this as election interference by companies who should be taking a neutral stance in politics. The response to this has been swift. Twitter is now being subpoenaed the Senate Judiciary Committee and the head of the FCC seems ready to make an emergency rule on how Section 230 of the Communications Act should be interpreted.

And this only sets up for what will happen with the New Moon. A Libra New Moon in the 8th House squaring Saturn and Pluto in the 12th House is be a series of move and counter moves by various groups in the Deep State to sway voters for the upcoming election as they each try to out surprise the other with new dirt on each candidate. This will be likely not be appreciated by the American people, and in fact they may grow to hate the secrets being reveal on both sides.
So just be ready for a wild ride. After all there is no stopping the political theater that is going to happen!