2020 Mars Retrograde Opposite the Sun – Return of the Coronavirus and Civil Unrest
On Tuesday (Mars’ Day) October 13, 2020 at 7:22 PM Mars reaches its exact opposition with the Sun. This is the focal point of the Mars retrograde cycle. In the Washington D.C. chart, this aspect occurs in the 12th House. This is a most auspicious placement for Mars.

The key aspects to Mars are a partile sextile to the North Node in Gemini in the 2nd House, a strong square with Pluto at the Midheaven, and squares to Jupiter and Saturn which is conjunct Pluto in Capricorn.
Although not aspecting Mars in this chart, Uranus and Mercury are in opposition and on the Ascendant and Descendant respectively. What makes this even more important is the Mercury is stationing retrograde later in the day. Having both planets like this means that some type of unexpected news will occur from outside the US that greatly impacts the people should occur.
Could it be a surprise missile test from North Korea? Or perhaps an event in Mideast? Armenia and Azerbaijan are currently at war. Turkey is already supporting Azerbaijan while Russia has a mutual defense treaty with Armenia. This could be the start of a larger conflict if Azerbaijan attacks Armenia proper instead of the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabahk.

Returning back to the main action of this chart Mars is in the 12th House opposing the Sun in the 6th House. This is a clear indicator that the coronavirus pandemic will return shortly. Already Donald Trump was sickened by it in an outbreak in the White House. But now, the virus will be showing up in more and more affecting the nation’s hospital system.

But that is not all that this retrograde Mars will bring. Squaring Pluto could be an indicator of further executive action to curb the spread, but with the courts in various states ruling the previous quarantine measures were illegal and unconstitutional I think this is unlikely. Instead this aspect likely means some power play by Trump to stop the the growing civil unrest in this country.

Mars in the 12th House traditionally relates to increase violence especially with prisoners. Well, with so many protest and riots happening, many arrested have been let go and not charged. As the election season swings into high gear and the political language gets more heated, the violent riots will likely return.
With all the fires breaking out throughout the world, the best one can do is make it their mission to stay safe. Staying stay and survive the journey through this fire of dawn as the Mars retrograde season comes to close in the next few weeks.