2020 Mars Station Retrograde – Return of the Pandemic Economic Shutdown

On September 9, 2020 at 6:23 PM, EDT Mars stations retrograde in Aries. A Mars retrograde occurs approximately every two years or so in a different sign, which makes it the planet that goes retrograde the least often. This means Mars retrogrades are usually very impactful, more so than either Mercury or Venus retrogrades.
For the Washington D.C. chart, this occurs in the 2nd House. This means that this Mars retrograde will relate to the nation’s finances and economy. Possible meanings of Mars in traditional astrology that could cause an economic downturn are war or disease. Of the two, disease is more likely to be the cause as most people are expecting a second wave of the covid pandemic this Fall. This Mars retrograde will likely kick off the start of the Fall pandemic season.

When the pandemic comes back and everyone one is quarantined again, many of the businesses that have stayed open so far will fail. I have been out and about in several restaurants and bars recently. Some of them are very deserted every thought they should be packed. Another shutdown will cause much more economic pain then last time and this time I don’t think another government bailout will help much if one even occurs.

Mars in this chart makes one aspect to another planet with in a five degree orb. That planet is Saturn in Capricorn in the 12th House. The aspect is square, which is a very stressful aspect. In a the mundane chart Saturn here is not well placed. It typically means disorder and an increase in crime unless it is well aspected. A square to the station retrograde Mars is not well aspected for 12th house Saturn. In fact it amplifies it negative meaning.
This placement means that more than likely there will be additional riots throughout the country. Are these cause by people who can no longer tolerate the quarantine rules? Or cause by more police brutality cases? Or are they the start of political violence because of the upcoming election? Perhaps several or all of these issues combined.

People are becoming very stressed with how 2020 has caused disruption after disruption in everyone’s life. At some point the people won’t be able to take in anymore, rebel, and generally cause trouble. This is likely what will happen. Only a triggering event is needed to set it in motion. It could be onor more issue I discussed or even something no one expects at this point too.

So this Mars retrograde, likely brings back the economic shutdowns likely caused by a return of the covid pandemic. But it there just as much chance that more rioting and violence occurs. Maybe both at the same time. Either cases would have a major effect on the economy.
Since this retrograde may bring out the worst in people if they mistakenly act on this energy I want to end this post on positive note. The best thing anyone can do during this time is uses the Mars retrograde wisely in their own chart. According to the late Donna Van Toen, in The Mars Book: A Guide to Your Personal Energy and Motivation, during the retrograde period it is best to direct one’s own energy inward. Temper you anger and ambition during this upcoming time of hardship and work on harnessing this transit Mars retrograde energy for your own personal goals, to be acted on when Mars goes direct November 13, 2020.