2020 Mercury Conjunct the Sun In Scorpio – Unexpected News from Afar

On Sunday October 25, 2020 at 2:215 PM EDT, the planet Mercury conjoins the Sun in the early degrees of Scorpio. This is a retrograde conjunction, which makes it useful for reflecting and rethinking a person’s life and motivations for individuals as they plan ahead.
In the Washington D.C. national chart though, it more to do with currents events of the nation, then any type of deep reflection on the past, this conjunction occurs in the 9th House. This conjunct only makes three aspects. A strong square to the Ascendant, a weak opposition to Uranus in the 3rd House, and an out of sign trine to a Moon Ceres conjunction in the 1st House.

One possible interpretation is the the US government may agree with Russian government to temporarily extend the existing START treaty on nuclear arms for one year. This treaty is set set to expire in February 2021. This news would be slightly unexpected as Donald Trump wants to include China in any future nuclear arms control treaties. But he may be looking at this temporary extension to help him get reelected.

And it would be a temporary extension since Mercury, which rules treaties, is retrograde. But this is not only possible interpretation. The other would likely be the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. The Senate vote on this is schedule for Monday, October 26, 2020. With the current aspects it could be delayed, but also with a trine to Moon, which represents the people, it seems like eventually it will go through without much opposition.

So the upcoming news week will likely have a few surprises in the news coming up, but mostly it is not that surprising if you have been keeping up with current events.
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