2020 Nodes on the Cancer-Capricorn World Axis – An Experiment

In astrology there are two different world axis based on the cardinal signs. The better known one is the Aries-Libra world axis that occur in in the Spring and Fall Equinoxes. The lesser known one is the Cancer-Capricorn world Axis that occurs during the Summer and Winter Solstices. Of these the Cancer-Capricorn was more important in ancient astrology because Cancer was the rising sign on the Thema Mundi Chart, which was supposed to be the chart for the birth of the universe.
The Nodes, which are the part of the chart of where fate is the strongest is approaching the Cancer-Capricorn World Axis. Bu the question is when does this happened. There are several ways of the calculating the position of the Moon’s Nodes. The Mean calculation using the geocentric position of the Earth-Moon system to average out the minor fluctuations found in the bariocentric position of Earth-Moon system.

In astrology this means that the time the Nodes enter the 0 degree Cancer-Capricorn axis is different depending on which Node calculation you use. So there will be difference charts. Which Nodes should be used in Mundane Astrology? No ones knows because most Mundane astrology books don’t address the subject. So this is a little experiment to determine which is best used.
I think most astrologers look at the True Node, so lets look at that chart first. This happens very shortly on May 5, 2020. Here the Nodes are close to the Ascendant-Descendant axis even though they are in 6th and 12th Houses. This is close enough to place them in the 1st and 7th House, but given the planetary energy below the horizon, I would say the Nodes probably give more a 6th 12th House flavor to them.

For this chart them main theme of the destiny of the US is to create anew relationship with ourselves, how we work at home, and of course with foreign countries since the Moon is in Libra in 9th House. Most of the work is done at home as indicated by the Sun in 4th house, with major permanent changes occurring in the people of the country (Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto in the 1st House). Give the planetary energy below the horizon, most of these changes will not be noticed by the outside world or other countries until much later.
This chart shows a lot of the theme of the coronavirus quarantines and what will result from them. I think the habits of many are permanently changed from this experience. The North Node in the 6th house shows that we must learn to love working more from home, while the South Node in the 12th House shows the psychological adjustments we must make.
So what does the Mean Node Chart show? Some of the themes are similar but there are key differences. First and most glaring is the Mean Node takes one whole month it get to the same point!. This occurs on June 4, 2020. The Second thing is that most of the planetary energy is now above the horizon, showing that the destiny of the US will be readily shown to the world and other countries.

An example would be Mars in the 10th House. This position is traditionally associated with war. Does the US go to war and with whom? Neptune near by doesn’t clear up the picture. The big permanent change now happens in the 8th House. The US foreign debts. What changes there? Our foreign debts? Well that may be possible. It looks like the US will blame China for releasing the coronavirus and demand payment. The easiest way to do that is to refuse to pay the $3.5 trillion of debt we owe China.
Nodes are actually in the 1st and 7th House this time too. This is a clear focus on the people and condition of the country versus other countries. The North node in the 1st conjunction Mercury would indicate the that trade and continuing education will be important for the US’s destiny. While at the same time the South Node in the 7th House indicates reflection on the past of our relationship with other countries. This could even refer to to China since in Mundane astrology China is associated with the sign of Cancer.
The Moon in the 6th House means that people will be get back to work by this time. Does this indicate another month of quarantine? For most of the country I would say yes, But with and trine to Neptune, back to work may be an illusion. I think the coronavirus will still be here and active because Pluto is in the 8th House, but new work appropriate restrictions will allow many to get back to work (Saturn Sextile Moon).
The biggest thing about using either of these chart is on June 21, 2020, a Solar Eclipse at 0 Cancer, would activating the North Node in particular. Which chart is more correct will likely be evident in the 6 months following the Eclipse versus the approximately the 4.5 years takes the Nodes to transit to the world axis. This means the 100 or so people who read this blog won’t have to wait that long for a follow up post with results.