2020 Pisces Full Moon – Illuminating the Sacrifice Needed

September 2, 2020 at 1:21 AM EDT is the next Full Moon, which occurs in the sign of Pisces. In the Washington D.C. chart this Full Moon is located in the 9th House, but is conjunct the Midheaven or the 10th House Cusp. The Moon is a littler over a degree and half away from Midheaven which makes this a strong conjunction.

The major planetary aspect this Full Moon makes is a sextile to Uranus in the 11th House in Taurus. This is a partile aspect which means that the Full Moon will be colored greatly by the unexpected. The Moon also makes a trine to the Ascendant and is the ruler of the Ascendant in Cancer. This emphasizes the Moon as the most prominent planet in the chart.
The Full Moon at the Midheaven is the President or more generally the executive branch of government. Here the Moon is shining light on the situation where the President or other executive offices must sacrifice for the security of the homeland.
Here the issue facing the Trump administration how to respond and whether or not to send help to local governments to quell the increasingly violence riots in happening sporadically throughout the country. People are increasingly being shot in the streets and each side thinks they now have martyrs and are ready to continue to protest.

Does Trump choose to the sacrifice his chances for reelection and choose to send in federal agents and have Biden and other Democrats accuse him of acting like a dictator? Or does Trump choose to do nothing and let some of the cities burn and more innocent people get killed? This last option may be better for his reelection since most of the cities experiencing this are run by Democrat leaders and he could just blame the local leaders for the problem. Either choice requires a sacrifice.
The wild card in this situation is Congress, the 11th House. The sextile from Uranus means some expected development may come from Congress. This wouldn’t be idea from Trump’s perceptive, but he could work with it. At least to his benefit a little. With Uranus just turning retrograde though, the solution Congress proposes may not be the one.