2020 Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse – Opposing the Rule of Law Angrily

Eclipse season kicks off this Friday, June 5, 2020 at 3:11 PM EDT. This the beginning of 3 summer eclipses that significantly shift the energy. This eclipse occurs in Sagittarius, while the eclipses of the last 2 years occurred in Capricorn and Cancer. This marks the beginning of the Gemini-Sagittarius series of eclipses.
This Lunar Eclipse occurs in the 3rd House, so your local community or travel through it is most likely going to be effected. With the protest and rioting continuing in many cities, this is probably going to the main effect. Stay at home and heed the travel restrictions not because of the pandemic, but because it is too dangerous to go outside.

The main aspects to this Lunar Eclipse is an opposition to a retrograde Venus in Gemini in the 9th House, and a square to a Mars Neptune conjunction in Pisces in the 5th & 6th House. I am taking Venus as an opposition even though it is conjunct the Sun because the the position of the Moon is more important than the Sun.
The opposition to a retrograde Venus is likely a realization that consensus in the US may no longer be possible in legal matters or in the rule of law. Or at least it will be very difficult to achieve. With the protesting there is large divide in the US on what these protest are about. The liberals see it as a purely racial issue, which needs to be address immediately. The conservatives just see law an order breaking down local officials unable or unwilling to restore order. There is a large gap between these positions that can not easily be solved.
This leads to the Mars Neptune square of the lunar eclipse. People are angry, but not for the best reasons. Some are angry at the police (6th House). There is sense of martyrdom with Neptune so people may be encouraged at this time to go more extreme with their anger. This could also cloud a few people’s minds too, with them thinking the expressing their righteous anger will solve the problem. But since this is a square it is unlikely to do so.
Therefore this is one of the most dangerous Lunar Eclipse in recent times. Mars is universally the activator of eclipses. When Mars crosses and eclipse it triggers events to happen. This is also true for the angles of an eclipse. Since Mars is already at angle for this eclipse, it will activate shortly and produce an event. Since is is a Lunar Eclipse this may be more of realization than anything else.
In the US, given the current riots, this could result in tragedy. Americans, own a lot of guns, nearly have of the guns in the worlds. A mass shooting tragedy may be unavoidable. This is even more likely since it isn’t just one group protesting. There are multiple groups out there and the most violent one is a group of anarchist who have surprisingly sophisticated equipment, training, and logistics. The situation is critical. So anyone going out to protest this weekend needs to be extra careful. A third party may hijack your protest and turn it into a massacre.

Who is this third party? Most of the rumors online say it is ANTIFA. ANTIFA is about to be declared a terrorist organization by Trump. Not sure of the official timing but it could be on the eclipse date. How can Trump do this if the ANTIFA is just an American organization? Word on the net is that they are apparently funded by the Chinese Communist Party and therefore an international terrorist organization and can easily be classified as such by the the Defense Department.

Now on to main prediction I have on this Lunar Eclipse. It is at this point that history will remember as the start of the US-China asymmetrical war. When each country will try desperately to start a rebellion in each other’s country to destabilize it before main “hot war” (probably several years away…I hope). How will the US respond… The new Federal State of China… A coup attempt by an exile Chinese billionaire and a group of American supporters.
Seriously what is up with the year 2020!?