2020 Sagittarius New Moon Eclipse – Presidential Succession Crisis

On Monday December 14, 2020 a total solar eclipse will occur in the South America. For the US, the exact time of this Sagittarius eclipse is 11;18 EST for Washington D.C. This places the eclipse in the 10th House of the US chart. This solar eclipse makes two main aspects. A strong semi-sextile to Pluto in Capricorn in the 11th House and a moderately strong trine to Mars in Aries in the 2nd House.

The 10th House is mundane charts deals with President or chief executive. Eclipses that happen the 10th House typical do not help out and are generally viewed as a negative event leading to their downfall or death in extreme cases. In this case, the negative event will happen for the current US President Donald Trump.
In fact some of this may have already with the US Supreme Court declining the Texas lawsuit. This will effectively ends any chance the US courts will overturn the election results. So in this sense the eclipse basically kills his legal (Sagittarius) options for remaining President.
That is not to say that he will concede. Trump as already released a statement saying he will not and he will continue to present his case until January 20, 2021. The only way he could possibly remain as President is forcing a contingent election with Congress. I discussed this option here: 2020 US Election – The Electoral College Eclipsed!
While, I do think his Republican allies in Congress will try to force this, I am doubtful it will succeed because unlike what was speculated a few months ago, there are unlikely to be two sets of electors from one or more states. Since the Democrats will controlled the House, any Republican challenge to electors will likely be defeated.
In the chart this is represented by the Pluto semi-sextile to the eclipse. Pluto in the 11th House means Congress has all the power in this situation and Trump doesn’t have enough allies there to make a difference.
Where Trump does get allies from is Mars in 2nd House. This could be military resources. Does Trump try to stay in power by using the military? I don’t know, but it is unlikely that the military would get involved. Th US military has publicly stated it will not get involved in any election dispute. So it does look like Trump is out of options for remaining President.
Now why did I title this eclipse post a Presidential Succession Crisis? Remember how Texas lawsuit mentioned earlier? Nearly 20 states wanted to over turn the election results. Instead of this eclipse severely affecting President Trump, what is this eclipse means the Office of the President is no longer respected or damaged somehow?
This seem more likely to me than anything related to Trump. 70% of Republicans believe the election was stolen from them. Nearly 20 states tried to sue to overturn the election results. 126 Congressmen decided to support this. That is is about 1/5 of Congress!

The US hasn’t been this divided since before the civil war. Add to the fact that some in Texas are calling for succession to form a union that respects the US Constitution. This does not bode well for the US as a nation at all. Come January 20, 2021 about half the country will think the man who occupies the White House is not a legitimate President. And this will likely lead to a major crisis for the country in the next 6 months.