2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction – The Permanent Change!

This year start off with a great conjunction that last happened 36 years ago. The Saturn-Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn. This is the first Great Conjunction to occur this year. The next ones are the Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions and then to end the year, the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction in Aquarius.

This conjunction is exact on January 12, 2020 at 10:04 AM over Washington D.C. The conjunction occurs in the 11th House of social groups and friends. This would indicate that one’s social groups and organizations will start to under a permanent change for the entire next Saturn-Pluto cycle.
The conjunction is includes Mercury, Ceres, and the Sun. So expect big changes in the ways these groups communicate (Mercury) and with the way they a governed (Sun). With Ceres present here I would expect this to mean the groups will become more decentralized in their organization and communication.
Politically in the US, this would indicate a permanent change in Congress and the way that it works. However I am not sure if their is a way to decentralize Congress. Possible this would indicate a change to the number of representatives in the House. This number is set by US law, not the Constitution and therefore could be changed. If it is, it would be after the 2020 census.