2020 Scorpio Full Moon – How Sick is the Country?

Today, May 7, 2020, the Full Moon appears in Scorpio at 6:45 AM in Washington D.C. This comes at a time when the country is trying to reopen after the peak of the coronavirus in April 2020. This is especially important since the Full Moon is in the 6th House. The 6th House can indicate wither working at a job or can indicate illness. This would apply not just on individual level, but also on a national/mundane level.

Let’s look at the back to work aspect first. In the 6th House, the country will really start to get back to work. However the Moon trines Neptune in the 11th House. This means there will be some not so clear rules about interactions in social groups. Opposing the Moon ins the 12th House is the Sun, Mercury, and Uranus. This would indicate that the government will try to quickly changes the rules of the social interaction to allow people to go back to work, but at the same try to prevent the spread of the virus. Since this also sextiles Neptune I expect these new rules and regulations to create much confusion.
For the health of the US, this is pretty much the same thing. New rules and regulations directed at hospitals and health care facilities to try and solve the coronavirus pandemic while keeping economic activity going. The aspects to Neptune not only create confusion on the rules but also whether we are in fact recovering form pandemic.
Based on this chart I would say no, the pandemic continues. The Moon is in the Scorpio which is the planet that rules infectious diseases. It makes an out or orb square to the Mars in the 10th House as well. The coronavirus pandemic will be in minds of the leadership of the US as we continue throughout May. This doesn’t mean the pandemic gets worse, but it does show it will continue to be with us for a while longer.

Also while I a talking about Mars in the 10th House, one should realize this is possibility of war. Already China is planning for a war with the US mainly due to the economic fallout of the pandemic. That is is to say nothing about the possible that the virus was created in lab. If the US has evidence of this then war will be unavoidable.
Even without a war, having Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in the 9th House shows there will be big permanent changes in the US foreign policy this month. Probably mostly related to China and the resumption of the trade war. It wouldn’t surprise me if early next Trump announce new and harsher tariffs on China for starting the pandemic. China may also response in kind.