2020 Scorpio New Moon – Commercial Impact of Coronavirus

Early Sunday morning at 12:06:25 AM EST is this year’s Scorpio New Moon. In national Washington D.C chart, this New Moon occurs in the 3rd House conjunct the IC or the cusp of the 4th House. There are three key aspects with the New Moon. A weak quincunx to the North Node in the 10th House in Gemini, a moderately strong semi-sextile to Venus in the 2nd House, but on the cusp of the 3rd House in Libra, and very strong partile sextile to Jupiter, which is conjunct both Pluto and Saturn in the 5th House of Capricorn.

The North Node in the 10th House is the fate of the President. For now, with Trump still refusing to concede and challenging the results we will have to wait and see what happens. The quincunx is basically the the uncomfortable aspect of us waiting for him to meet his fate. Nothing can stop what is coming!
While we do that, there will be more important things happening that will take our focus away. The New Moon is close to the 4th house cusp, but is technically in the 3rd House. Blending the two meaning of each house together, one could draw the interpretation that this month, commercial real estate will be front an center in the public mind.
With the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic upon us, new quarantine and lock down measures are being put into place in several different locations. Even if a state doesn’t lock down, with the winter weather approaching, more people will be staying at home and not going out. This will lead to many businesses closing and a major downturn in the commercial real estate market.

Another interpretation to consider is the oil market. With an over active hurricane season, production is way down in the Gulf of Mexico. This will lead to a short term increase in price for gasoline. Scorpio can represent underground resources, while the weather in mundane astrology is the 4th House.
The financial implications of these things may not be readily apparent as shown by the semi-sextile to Venus in the 2nd House. But for those who observe the situation closely should be able to see and understand what is happening.

This leaves the final and strongest aspect of the New Moon, the sextile to Jupiter. Jupiter is besieged by Pluto and Saturn, therefore it is even less dignified than usual. In the context of economic activity, the 5th House represents investments. This means that the big investment companies will suddenly stop the investment of new commercial real estate.

Further lockdowns make this hugely unprofitable and many investment firms that specialize in this probably have big loses from the Spring lockdowns already. The New Moon is only the beginning of the troubles to come with this issue.