2020 Taurus Full Moon – The Shocking Creative Expression of the People

It is Halloween and in the year of 2020 that means an ‘All Hollows Eve’ Full Moon. The Moon is exactly Full at 10:48:01 AM on October 31, 2020. In the Washington D.C. chart this occurs in the 5th House in Taurus. The Moon makes a partile conjunction to Uranus and this the most powerful aspect in the chart.

The only other aspect the Moon makes is a quincunx to Venus in Libra in the 9th House, but is conjunction the Midheaven. Venus is the ruler of the Midheaven, so the 10th House is also affected by this. This is a sign that Donald Trump will likely be in a good position going to into the election as Venus is well positioned here as the dignified ruler of the 10th House.
However, the people’s focus is not on the Donald Trump or the Presidency. Instead they will turn inward towards their own creative expression. This will occur in shocking an unexpected ways. For the average person, if you have a creative project on mind at this time, now is the time to get it out there in the world in some form. You may be surprised at how well it is received.

Since the Full Moon doesn’t make any other aspects it will likely be kind of quite period for the next few weeks. Except for maybe Election Day, but I don’t expect the US Presidential contest to be decided immediately, so any protest or riots that come from the results will be delayed until the next lunar cycle begins.