2020 US Election Candidate Astrological Profiles – Biden & Harris

Can 2020 get any crazier? Yes it can with double hurricanes. But also there is a US Presidential Election coming up on November 3, 2020. It is not like I was ignoring it because of all the other craziest going on. Mostly, it is because politics in the US has become very partisan and polarizing. I avoided writing about the Democratic Party primary this year even for this very reason. Even within the main parties it is too polarized. Also there were too many candidates then to write about.
Now that Democratic Party Convention is finished and they selected their Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates, it is time to write about the upcoming election. First, I want to give astrological profiles of all the candidates involved. While some readers may have seen their charts before, not everyone has. There are probably some international readers on this blog who may have never hear of them before too. They may be wondering who they are and why Americans selected them to run for office. Not everyone follows the cable news religiously.
Because Donald Trump, the current US President is a member of the Republican Party, the opposition party, the Democrat Party had their convention first this election. So, I will be going over the astrological charts their candidates first. Trump and Pence will have theirs looked at after the Republican Convention is over.
This time, the Democrats selected former Vice President (“VP”), Joe Biden as their Presidential candidate and the current freshman Senator from California, Kamala Harris as their Vice Presidential candidate. Joe Biden is well known in the US for serving 36 years in the Senate, before serving another 8 years as VP under President Obama. Kamala Harris has been a Senator for about 3 years, previously serving as the Attorney General for California the 8 years prior. She is not well known nationally, but is well known in California.

First let’s look at Biden’s chart. He was born on November, 20, 1942 at 8:30 AM, War Time, in Scranton, Pennsylvania. His birth time is rated A, astrologers are fairly confident in his birth time even though there is no birth certificate. This birth time places his Sun in the 12th House in Scorpio, his Moon in the 5th House in Taurus, and his Ascendant is Sagittarius. His Ascendant ruler is Jupiter, which while retrograde in the 8th House is in its exaltation. This means he is well able to express his Ascendant and come across as a knowledge person with foreign relations and politics involved in such.

The planet that rules over his Sun, is Mars in Scorpio in the 11th House. In fact Mars rules over Mercury & Venus in his 12th House too. Mars is most dignified planets in his chart. His Mars placement gives him the drive needed to transforms the social groups he is in. His Moon is also well dignified being exalted in Taurus. The Moon is means that he can creatively express his emotions in a steady manner. Perhaps the reasons for his past gaffes? So those three planets, the Moon, Mars, and Jupiter are the planets that give him strength in his chart.
The weakness in his chart is Venus in Detriment in the 12th House in Scorpio. I am highly tempted to say this even may be secret love affairs, but I would have thought they would be public knowledge by now given he spent over four decades in politics. Or maybe with all the planets in the 12th and 8th Houses he might be really good at keeping secrets and know where the political bodies are buried, using that to his advantage?
However, given the recent concerns about his health, I don’t think he has to worry about his secrets getting out. The rumor going around the internet is that he has dementia and it is only getting worse. That is why he campaigning from his basement, not because of the covid pandemic. This of course make his VP selection all the more important. It is likely that if Biden does have dementia, the 25th Amendment to the US Constitution will be invoked and he would be removed from office and his VP nominee, Kamala Harris would then be the President.
So let’s look at Kamala’s chart. She was born on October 20, 1964, 9:28 PM PDT, in Oakland California. Her time is rated AA. I have a copy of her birth certificate because some Republicans operatives were using it online to try and start a conspiracy theory that she isn’t a US citizen because both her parents were not US citizens at the time of her birth. Despite the fact she is a US citizen because she was born here and lived here her entire life.

Looking at her chart, her Sun is in the 5th House in Libra, her Moon is in the 11th House in Aries, and her Ascendant is Gemini. The strongest planets in her chart though is Saturn in 9th House in Aquarius. Saturn by orb is conjunct the Midheaven in Pisces. This Saturn has both essential and accidental dignity making it very powerful. It makes her come across as very strict and rule based politician. Which is why she was an effective Attorney General in California, where she was very strict in prosecuting criminals.

Mercury the ruler of her chart is in Scorpio, which is without any essential dignity. But her North Node is conjunct the Ascendant strength her sense of of self expression. She is likely very good with words and debate because of this. Her Moon’s placement is the means that she can display emotional outburst from time to time especially within social groups and causes. If used the correctly, this may be able to fire up the more left-wing base of the Democratic Party that is not that excited about the more moderate Joe Biden leading the ticket.
Her weakest planet is her Sun, in Fall in Libra. This is like being your own worst enemy sometimes. She was also born under a Full Moon, like Donald Trump, so her being her worst enemy sometimes goes on public display. Perhaps, an example of Sun in Fall is that there are rumors she got started in politics by sleeping with Willie Brown, high profile Democrat politician from California. Information like this won’t hurt her chances among the Democratic base, but may make some Independents voters question her ability. Depending on how seriously they take this information.
However, the US is increasing partisan, and people are voting more for the ideas the candidates want rather then the type of person they. This is easily seen in the Democratic Party nominating Joe Biden, who’s time is probably better spent in a nursing home then seriously campaigning. Of course the man who got this trend in US politics is the current President, Donald Trump, whom is up next in the Candidate Profiles.