2020 US Election – The Election Day Surprise

I bet some readers are now confused. In my first presidential predication using zodiacal releasing, I said Donald Trump will likely win. In my second, which I look at the states early voting periods, I said Joe Biden will win. Which is it!? How about both predictions are correct. Impossible to believe isn’t it?
Well, everyone will be in for surprising election this year. To illustrate this point, let’s look at the chart for Election Day. I mentioned last time that this chart may not give a good prediction of the winner, but it can tell us something in general about the day itself. This will illustrate the point that this will not be a normal election.
First, we need get the right chart. While the day is known, and I can use the location of Washington D.C. to apply the chart nationally, what time should be used? I will use the day ingress time of 12:00 AM when the date changes. This will give an overview of the entire day.
Additionally, the first in person voting occurs at midnight in several small New Hampshire towns at this time. Dixville Notch is the most famous one. So not only does the day begin, in person voting is starting too. This should be enough to qualify the chart’s time as a real event for the start of Election Day.

Looking at the chart the thing one immediately draws attention to is the Sun on IC opposing the Uranus at the Midheaven. The Sun is the ruler of the chart since it is a Leo rising chart. This is the most important planet here to describe what the people, the 1st House, will experience. The Moon, which also representative of the public is the 10th House, the house of the President. So the focus of the day is clear.
The opposition to Uranus, means an expected development or shocking revelation. Being conjunction the Midheaven, but in the 9th House, this will be widely know to the public sometime on Election Day. But what could this be? The only other aspects that Uranus makes is a semi-sextile to the Moon and a quincunx to Venus. How would these planets affect the situation?
The Moon was already discussed as the public focus of the presidency given it is Election Day. Venus, while in the 2nd House, is on the cusp of the 3rd House. It also is the ruler of the 3rd House. This is likely the mail in ballots not being in consensus with the Election Day’s results.
What I mean by this is it will seem like Donald Trump wins by landslide on Election Day. He gains a majority of the day’s vote and he appears to have a majority of the electoral votes too. Except, the media doesn’t declare him the winner. Instead, because of the outstanding mail in ballots that haven’t been countered yet, they declare the race is too close to call. In multiple swing states!
Think this scenario is too far fetched? It currently being discussion as the most likely outcome this year among political commentators. Because of the pandemic, a majority of voters may actually vote by mail this year. Several states have by law that the mail in vote can not be counted before election day. Many mailed in ballots will not arrive at the election offices for counting until a week or two later.

This will throw the entire election into chaos. Most Republicans think that mail in voting leads to a voter fraud and will challenge the legality of the mail in ballots in multiple states. Democrats will counter and demand that every vote be counted. So Uranus in the 9th House in the chart means that the surprise in this election is a legal battle that will make the 2000 recount seem like a minor dispute that was easily resolved.

It doesn’t even matter if there is fraud by mail in voting. Any close election will be challenge this year, because to each side the stakes are too high. According to this bipartisan group, the election is likely to be challenged in any event. They sat down to game out different elections scenarios. The results showed that even if one candidate wins a clear electoral majority there would be legal challenges to the election results.
This is how I can have one predication that says Donald Trump will be reelected, while another says Joe Biden also wins the election. Both are going to be declared the winner by different groups at different times. It might just end up that this time the US President will not be elected by the people or electoral voters. This is what will be realized suddenly on Election Day night. But there is more, which will discussed on the next election day for the President. That is day the Electoral College meets to vote and astrologically it is very significant.