2020 Venus Station Direct – Beginning Compassion for Yourself!

On June 25, 2020 at 2:49 AM EDT, Venus will station direct after being retrograde in Gemini for the the last 6 weeks. This will be the the first time Venus is direct since it began it’s new year 8 cycle during its conjunction with the Sun about three weeks ago.
Looking at the Washington D.C. chart, one can see that Venus stations direct in the 1st House. Only one major aspect is made, a trine to Saturn in Aquarius in the 10th House. A minor aspect of a semi-sextile is made with the Sun in the 2nd House or 3rd House in Cancer. Depending on the House System used.

On the personal level this relates directly to yourself because it is the 1st House. The semi-sextile to the Sun in the 2nd would an adjustment of values relating. On the personal level this relates directly to yourself because it is the 1st House. The semi-sextile to the Sun in the 2nd would an adjustment of values relating to yourself. In this case Venus is calling one you as individual to develop self compassion.

Why do I say self compassion and not self esteem? Esteem has more of Jupiter quality to it than a Venus quality. Also, self compassion in more important for one’s well being than self esteem. This will not be easy as indicated by the trine to Saturn in the 10th House. This represents the hardships in the world at large you are experiencing in the world, but it hardships you can handle. Everyone has their own hardships to work on and we will get nearly 8 years to work on this in some form before the next greater Venus cycle begins again.

At the mundane level we can extend this out every even farther. The 1st House represents the people of the country and the we need to develop, as a people compassion for everyone in the country. With the trine to Saturn in the 10th House in Aquarius, there will be some support form new government initiatives to do this. But with the semi-sextile to the Sun in the 2nd, indicates maybe we are not ready to change our values as a country. Only time will tell this.

However, when one works with self compassion on themselves privately they can begin to recognized the same situations in others and then have more compassion for those they may even not like. Just because they learn recognize Saturn effects everyone, but first they have to recognize how it effects them first.