2020 Venus Station Retrograde – Rethinking the Love of Home

This morning, on May 13, 2020 at 2:45 AM, the planet Venus stationed retrograde in Gemini. This kicks off a new 8 year Venus cycle. The Venus cycle begin on retrograde where Venus transited the Sun in 2012. Venus transiting the Sun is rare and only happens about twice every 100 years or so.

This year Venus turned retrograde at 21 degrees of Gemini. Anyone who a planet at that degree or in aspect to that degree will feel the effects of the this retrograde more than the average person. At an individual level this can be a very personal experience since Venus is the planet of love and relationships. It could mean a change in relationship status, although if you start one now be prepared for it to be temporary in nature as relationships started during a Venus retrograde don’t last. Neither do marriages.
This could also be a reversal of your money, since Venus is the main ruler of money of possessions. The exception to this would be cryptocurrency. Since everyone usually has enough money, be glad that in 6 weeks things will be back to normal if you find yourself without much in the next week or two.
Looking at the chart for Washington D.C., we can see how this will affect the country. Venus stations retrograde in the 4th House of the home. Doesn’t everyone love being at home? If not rethink what you you could to make the home experience more enjoyable.

At the mundane level this suggest that another real estate or housing crash is coming. Especially with commercial real estate. With the coronavirus this is somewhat expected since not everyone could pay their rent. This will cause landlords, especially those you own homes to default on mortgages. This could easily start the next downturn in the real estate market that last years.

Venus makes only one aspect to another planet in this chart and that is a square to Neptune. This will sow confusion over the entire Venus retrograde at least with love and money. This will happen on both mundane level, where people may not know the housing market is crashing again, to the personal level where you may think your relationship is going well but it isn’t.
Sine there is not much to look at in terms of aspects, another way to look at the chart would be to see which houses Venus rule. The 2 houses would be the 3rd House and the 8th House. The 3rd House means that one probably shouldn’t sign any new contracts, but you can revisit old ones. For example it seems like the US will revisit the China Trade Deal during this time.
The 8th House probably means that we may have new expected debts. This indicates another debt driven coronavirus stimulus bill in Congress or possibly the debate on whether or the States should be bailed out of their debt. Most of the Sate debt was accumulated it before the virus arrived.

One last technique to look at the sign that Venus is exalted in. Venus is exalted in Pisces, happens to be the Ascendant of the chart. Jupiter rules this sign and is stationary as well, but it doesn’t turn retrograde until May 14, 2020. This places a double emphasis on Pisces and the 1st House.
Pisces it ruler of hospitals and large health care facilities. So it is time to review the status of them and get everything in order, before a second wave of covid hits us in the Fall. Ceres is also conjunct the ascendant. Ceres rules agriculture, which is another industry impacted by the coronavirus, especially meat packing plants of large animals. It is time to get this industry in order too.

Lastly, for an individual, it may be a good 6 weeks to start mediation, or renew a spiritual practice. In troubling times, turning inward or towards God can provide comfort. Maybe this Venus retrograde one shouldn’t focus on relationships or money, but instead focus on their spirit. This is an activity best done at home anyway!