2020 Virgo Full Moon – See the Work in You Do in Your Community

Today March 9, 2020 at 1:48 PM in Washington D.C. the Full Moon occurs in Virgo in the 3rd House. This means the focus is on the work you do in the community and neighborhood. The Full moon makes an aspect to Mars in Capricorn in the 6th House which means the work you do will be highly active. This may even be the realization that you have work to do in the community.

Not only is this the personal interpretation of the Full Moon it is the mundane interpretation too. With the Covid-19 cases on the rise (over 500 in the US on March 8, 2020) quarantines will be coming soon. What you have to realize now, is that your best bet for survival is depending on your family, friends, and local community in that order. For most people their they have neglected their local community over the last for years, if not decades.

Well it is time to get to know your neighbors now if you haven’t done so already. When quarantined, you will only be able to rely on them to help you if you run into trouble. Now is the time to put work into your community so there are people you can rely on when you need them. Mars in the 6th House should motivate you to do the work you need to do to be prepared.