2020 Virgo New Moon – Preparing your Home for the Big Change

On Thursday September 17, 2020 at 7 AM EDT, the New Moon rises over Washington D.C. This New Moon is conjunct the ascendant in Virgo in the US National chart. It makes several aspects to other planets, most notably a trine to Saturn in Capricorn in 4th House. It also makes a quincunx to a retrograde Mars in the 8th House in Aries, and opposes Neptune in the 6th House in Pisces.

The last aspect the New Moon makes is a square to the nodal axis. This places the New Moon at the bendings of the nodes. While the nodes are more related to fated events, when a planet is placed square to them, one has more free will. Here the North Node is on the Midheaven, while the South Node is on the Nadir.
The interpretation of New Moon at the bendings on the mundane level should clear. The people will make their choice on who will be President this month, not during Election Day. Early voting in the US projected to account for nearly half the ballots this year due to the pandemic. Most of the early voting starts this lunar month, so the election will be decided this month. The the only issue is we won’t know the results until well after Election Day.
And in the back of everyone’s mind is the possibility for second wave of covid. Or perhaps they are worried about further riots and civil unrest. At least for this month those fears are likely to remain as just worries and will not manifest until next month.

The New Moon on the Ascendant means the focus is on the people. Specifically, they will be going back to work, or their daily routines at home. They may even want to the clean up and organize them home for what may be coming in the future.
Big changes are coming and it starts at home. Everyone will be preparing for them. So all the work coming in doesn’t have to be pointless. There will likely be a propose to cleaning up your home or changing your routine at home as everyone goes into prepper mode for what is coming next month.