2021 Aquarius Full Moon – Realizing the Window for Reform is Difficult and Expensive

This month’s Full Moon occurs in the early degrees of Aquarius in the 11th House. The main aspects to this Full Moon is a quincunx to Venus in Virgo in the 6th House, a semi-sextile to Jupiter in Pisces in the 12th house, and wide out of sign trine to Ceres in Taurus in the 2nd House.

The 11th House is the domain of Congress and with this Full Moon, they seek to create a massive reform in infrastructure spending. Specifically, instead of funding roads and bridges like a traditional infrastructure plan, they seek to also fund ‘human infrastructure’. In reality this is a massive expansion of welfare for targeted groups that support the Democrats.
Naturally Republicans oppose this, but not a general old fashion infrastructure bill. In fact a compromised $1.2 trillion traditional infrastructure bill is on the docket in the Senate and they do support it. The problem is once it is passed it will be then combined with the $3.5 trillion human infrastructure bill already passed by the House of Representatives, in a parliamentary move and prevent a Republican filibuster on the House version.

This is a legal, but somewhat sneaky way to get everything the Democrats want passed without Senate Republicans filibustering them. The issue is can they do that before August recess starts in about 2 weeks?
The answer based on this chart is likely no. The quincunx to Venus in the 6th House as the ruler of the 2nd House is not favorable this month. Also, the most favorable aspect is is a trine to Ceres in 2nd House which gives an element of a some type of loss here for Congress.
In all likelihood the infrastructure bill vote doesn’t happen again this month or fails again in breaking the filibuster. That doesn’t mean it won’t pass at a later date as it still could. But the timing for this months seems unlikely based on the astrological transits.