2021 Aquarius New Moon – The New Legal Power Struggle
February 11, 2021
Pretty sure this is Trump’s legal defense during for his second impeachment.
On February 11, 2021 an Aquarius New Moon appears. In the Washington D.C. chart this New Moon is on the cusp of the 9th House. The New Moon makes two aspects to other planets. A semi-sextile to Pluto in the 7th House in Capricorn and square to Mars in 9th House in Taurus.
The aspect to Mars is in this chart is a clear indication of Trump’s second impeachment trail. This is a revolutionary legal proceeding as there are several things very different from the previous impeachment attempts. First, he is out of office. Second, he didn’t have due process in the House proceedings. Third, the constitutionally of this is questionable, but the Senate has already voted to proceed.
Sometimes I wish the Founders gave us a little clearer direction on how they intended certain things to work in the Constitution.
What this impeachment trail is really about is to prevent Trump from running for President again in 2024. He needs a conviction for this to happen. Will he be convicted is the big question? Is there a clue on how it proceed in this chart? Even though the impeachment trial starts the day before it will conclude under this lunar cycle. So I think one could use this chart to determine the outcome.
First, now that Trump is a private citizen, he is in the 5th House since he is the declared enemy of Congress. Turning the chart from each position one gets the Congress’s 9th House as Capricorn and Trump’s 9th House as Cancer.
Looking at the essential dignity is is clear that Congress here is in the better position. Saturn is in its domicile, the Moon is only in its decan. In Medieval Astrology the domicile dignity was ranked higher than decan dignity. Therefore, Congress is in control of the situation and has the advantage with essential dignity.
Looking at the accidentally dignity for each is kind of a draw. Congress’s Saturn is in an applying square to Uranus. Trump’s Moon is conjunct the Sun in detriment. Here one would have to give the edge to Trump though. Even in detriment, the Sun via cazimi can give good accidental dignity. A square to Uranus would be considered malefic. Let’s give Trump an advantage with accidental dignity.
So who has the edge here? Most political commentators think there are not enough Republican defectors to convict. The astrology here shows the vote might be closer to than some commentators expect giving the strong essential dignity for Congress. It is hard to judge on whether the accidental dignity can overcome this.
If Trump is not convicted it is a sign that the Moon wants change. A majority of registered Republicans would follow Trump to a new party if he started one. Republican Senators might be very hesitant to end their political careers over opposing Trump. He still has the power over many Republican politicians.
How does Pluto figure into this? The best guess is that perhaps some powerful foreign county is influencing our legal system? Or perhaps it is powerful individual. In either case it moves a little too close to theories to be sure. A semi-sextile will make the influence unclear like that. So I think it best not comment on it since there is nothing definite at this moment.
2021 Aquarius New Moon – The New Legal Power Struggle
On February 11, 2021 an Aquarius New Moon appears. In the Washington D.C. chart this New Moon is on the cusp of the 9th House. The New Moon makes two aspects to other planets. A semi-sextile to Pluto in the 7th House in Capricorn and square to Mars in 9th House in Taurus.
The aspect to Mars is in this chart is a clear indication of Trump’s second impeachment trail. This is a revolutionary legal proceeding as there are several things very different from the previous impeachment attempts. First, he is out of office. Second, he didn’t have due process in the House proceedings. Third, the constitutionally of this is questionable, but the Senate has already voted to proceed.
What this impeachment trail is really about is to prevent Trump from running for President again in 2024. He needs a conviction for this to happen. Will he be convicted is the big question? Is there a clue on how it proceed in this chart? Even though the impeachment trial starts the day before it will conclude under this lunar cycle. So I think one could use this chart to determine the outcome.
First, now that Trump is a private citizen, he is in the 5th House since he is the declared enemy of Congress. Turning the chart from each position one gets the Congress’s 9th House as Capricorn and Trump’s 9th House as Cancer.
Looking at the essential dignity is is clear that Congress here is in the better position. Saturn is in its domicile, the Moon is only in its decan. In Medieval Astrology the domicile dignity was ranked higher than decan dignity. Therefore, Congress is in control of the situation and has the advantage with essential dignity.
Looking at the accidentally dignity for each is kind of a draw. Congress’s Saturn is in an applying square to Uranus. Trump’s Moon is conjunct the Sun in detriment. Here one would have to give the edge to Trump though. Even in detriment, the Sun via cazimi can give good accidental dignity. A square to Uranus would be considered malefic. Let’s give Trump an advantage with accidental dignity.
So who has the edge here? Most political commentators think there are not enough Republican defectors to convict. The astrology here shows the vote might be closer to than some commentators expect giving the strong essential dignity for Congress. It is hard to judge on whether the accidental dignity can overcome this.
If Trump is not convicted it is a sign that the Moon wants change. A majority of registered Republicans would follow Trump to a new party if he started one. Republican Senators might be very hesitant to end their political careers over opposing Trump. He still has the power over many Republican politicians.
How does Pluto figure into this? The best guess is that perhaps some powerful foreign county is influencing our legal system? Or perhaps it is powerful individual. In either case it moves a little too close to theories to be sure. A semi-sextile will make the influence unclear like that. So I think it best not comment on it since there is nothing definite at this moment.
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