2021 Aries New Moon – Time to Travel Again for Fun!

On April 11, 2021 at 10:31 PM in Washington D.C. the Aries New Moon arrives. This is the first New Moon since Spring began approximately three weeks ago. In the US national chart, this New Moon occurs in the 5th House of fun and entertainment. It makes several aspects. A conjunction to Venus in the 5th House, sextiles to Jupiter in 3rd House in Aquarius and to Mars in the 7th House in Gemini, and finally a square to Pluto in the Capricorn in the 2nd House.

Since the New Moon is the 5th House conjunct Venus the main theme of this lunar month is to go out have some fun. At the mundane level this means more people will be going to sporting events, visiting theaters, and generally having fun at social events. And with less Americans fearing getting covid and vaccination rates improving Americans are more than ready to cut lose for the month and get out and have fun.
The planetary aspects to the New Moon indicate that the types of activities people will do. Jupiter in the 3rd House means people will be traveling locally to for their entertainment. Mars in the 7th House indicates that the people you are spending time with will likely be a partner. Either a romantic one or a close friend. With Venus in the 5th, a romantic partner is more likely for most people as everyone can finally get out meet new people again.
The only damper to this is the square to Pluto in 2nd House. But the the most likely indication is that the average American may spend a little too much on the fun and entertainment stressing their budget. But when no one has really gone out in a while it is probably ok to overspend a little.

So with states and places opening opening up and the covid infection rate falling, it is time for Americans to have fun again.