2021 Cancer New Moon – Working from Home or Not

This month’s New Moon occurs in Cancer on July 9, 2021 at 9:17 PM EDT, in Washington D.C. This places it the 6th House of the mundane national chart. It makes only one tight aspect, a semi-sextile to Mars in Leo in the 7th House. It does make a moderate sextile to Uranus in Taurus in the 3rd House and a weak sextile to Ceres also in Taurus but on the IC in the 4th House.
Lastly there is a weak trine to Neptune in Pisces in the 2nd House and a weak opposition to Pluto in Capricorn in the 12th House. Given the orbs involved though it is unlikely these planets will have an impact this month.

With the New Moon in the 6th House, which relates to health, welfare, your daily work. All of which are still plague in some ways by the coronavirus. Many are still working from home, if they are choosing to work. However, many corporations are now planning a return to the office.

But maybe not with the delta strain spreading around the globe. In other countries there are renewed lockdowns because of it. Whether one goes back to the office now or not will depend on how the authorities message the new information about different strains.
And here is where Uranus will interfere. What is the current messaging on the different strains? It is all over the place. On how serious each strain and whether the vaccine works against it or not. In fact the vaccine messaging is getting sporadic and jumpy at best.
Despite renewed concerns of side effects especially on the young men who can develop heart issues by taking it, the CDC has state: the benefits still outweigh the risks. At least if it isn’t the delta strain, which it may not be effective against. And now Pfizer wants to give everyone a booster shot to prevent delta strain infection.

Then there is the whole deal of the US government going door to door to increase the vaccination rates. Why would they try this? To gather information? For those who don’t want it, this message isn’t going to convince them. In fact the opposite effect will likely happen. They will likely resist vaccination further.

All the disruptions on the messaging with the ongoing pandemic will dominate the news this month. Will people go back to the office soon? What strain is going around, well probably a different one everyday. Does the vaccine work against it? Mostly likely no one knows, not even the scientist.
Oh crap! The lambda strain is here! Everyone lock down again!