2021 Capricorn Full Moon – Creative Transportation Issues

This month’s Full Moon occurs on June 24, 2021 at 2:40 PM EDT over Washington D.C. This places the Moon in the Capricorn in the 3rd House. There are two aspects to the Full Moon, a weak quincunx to Mars in Leo in the 10th House and a strong sextile to Jupiter in Pisces in the 5th House.

The 3rd House in mundane charts represents a country transportation system in and the US that means cars. This time of the year is when Americans start traveling for summer vacations, which for many Americans means a road trip!
For better or worse American culture has been described as a car culture for a long time by many observers. Americans invented the modern car and have essentially structured our entire society around cars. From the drive thru fast food restaurant to suburbs American life is based around the car. Under this Full Moon Americans will finally begin to realize how dependent they are on their cars and begin to make some creative decisions regarding them.

Most notably, Americans are keeping their cars for much longer or purchasing used cars in greater frequency. This is not that unexpected with the new car market facing many challenges such as the continuing semi-conductor shortage that is preventing many new cars from reaching the market. Therefore the auto mechanic industry is one that has a short term bright future as Americans will have to get creative in making their cars last longer for sure.

Maybe Americans should try and make their own car then while they await the newer models to show, just the mythical ‘flying car’ continuously promised to us from the industry since the 1950s…

Oh wait, flying cars are an actually thing now and they are planning to race them in the sky to compete with F1 racing. Well, the 5th House is related to entertainment so this fits too. Let’s go off to the flying car races!
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