2021 Leo New Moon – The Unexpected Budget Shortfall

This month, on August 8, 2021 at 9:50 AM EDT, in Washington D.C, the New Moon will appear of the morning sky. This New Moon astrologically occurs in the 11th House in Leo. It makes only two interesting aspects, a strong square to Uranus in Taurus in the 8th House and a weak opposition to Saturn in Aquarius in the 5th House.

Typically, the 11th House means Congress in mundane astrology, and with the Sun highly dignified in Leo and ruling the 11th House, one would expect Congress to get a lot of work done. Except, they won’t get any work done! Because right before the New Moon on August 6, Congress goes into recess and will not be in session again until mid-September.

While the Senate did make progress on getting the bipartisan infrastructure passed, it hasn’t passed the House yet. The House also didn’t get a eviction moratorium passed for the estimate 12 million renters behind on their rent due to the pandemic. And most importantly of all, they didn’t raise the debt ceiling.
This forces the Treasury Department to do some ‘creative accounting’ to make sure we we don’t go over the limit. How long this last is not known. Especially with the extra financial burden from the pandemic. While it is possible for the Democrats to pass a debt ceiling raise, they are unsure how to proceed.

What’s the worst could happened if they didn’t get it done in time? Well a fault is possible by not likely. The most likely outcome is rise in interest rates. Which would then raise interest rates through the economy and then likely crash the economy this Fall.
But Congress can has time to get get this all done, right? Probably not. Uranus is in the 8th House!. They will be forced to come back early, likely before September to deal with the debt ceiling issue as the Treasury Department runs out of creative accounting to delay.
What happens then is anyone’s guess. Because if this isn’t dealt with, the economy will crash one way or the other.